Continuing Wonder 2

Continuing Wonder 2
(By Vic Buaquen)
So how do we proceed from our state of unknowing who or what we are? There probably are as many answers as there are people who will propose a solution to this. In the hope of sharing ideas and learning from such exchange, let’s discuss the matter.
How would I answer this, who or what am I? I am not Vic Buaquen, as I am known today. When Vic Buaquen, a name and a mental construct of my parents, was given to me on my baptism, I was already an autonomous sentient being when birthed into this world with an essential self and inherent identity. However, I don’t know my inherent identity or my essential self. And so with everyone else. A gut feeling says this was done on purpose, the reason for which is another huge question mark for us.
We continue to exist and struggle nonetheless, plugging the gap of our unknowing with make-believe beliefs, theories, concepts and ideas about who we are, which are all non-firsthand knowledge and spun by others for us, no matter how we respect or regard the source. This guarded stance on the knowledge in the world today is simply from the fact that the world is replete with fraud and falsity fed the masses throughout history. Our civilization is therefore dysfunctional for there being much falsehood and bogus material used in its construction. And I might not even want to be here if I had the choice. Perhaps building a better world is also a reason why we are here.
We might have some help from science on our unknowing, Main objective of science is the discovery or establishment of truth. Having said that, what has science has for us regarding our problem? No clear cut answer to our question is available but there are some leads for us to follow that might be of help to our quest.
Science has thus far established that man creates his reality not from his intelligence, talents, skills, abilities or anything else but his feelings or emotion. This is a step forward. (Ref: The next big lead is the obvious need for man to shift the pilot house of his life from his head to his heart. (Ref: and watch?v=NBrSwQAOKAI#t=60.688642 )
Having led his life from his head through his existence on earth and the belief that he is independent of everything and everyone, got us the ugly history of our global past.
Reason for migrating from the head to our heart is simply that the head does not understand nor can it experience love. Try this to understand what is being said: Tell a loved one “I love you” and say it with your head. Then say it again but this time say it with your heart. Feel the difference? There is grandness and ring of truth in one but not in the other,
Am reposting, after this post, an earlier article “Upadate On the Human Heart” which says much on this including a statement: The heart now therefore is the main guidance system of the body and not the brain.

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