Continuing Wonder

This is being shared with BCHS 59’ers and all others who might care to read.
This came as I pondered our coming get together on Aug. 24. 2018. What’s the point or reason of our being a Class?
So there are still much of us in our high school class lasting this long although we know that we are all in the pre-departure area to the afterlife.
Somehow we conceded to the idea of our being a group which we lately called the BCHS 59’ers that wishes to remain and function as such. Am taking a jump from here, that we also conceded to being a part of the human collective or humanity. Superfluous? Perhaps our world and history would have been much different if man realized this oneness with all other humans from day one of his existence. Would you agree it is not too late to cognize and drill this idea into our consciousness today?
There are a lot more questions that I have today than when I was a growing young fellow. More reason to continue to wonder and even get more excited, perhaps?
Let’s get back to our Class. Our reason for our being a class, I feel, is to have a context on which to react and relate with each other and with all others to contribute our experience to our collective reality as humans. Seems like nothing predestined in this but that we are continuously becoming and creating who we are, individually and collectively. Has any of us gained a grasp or understanding on what is life all about? Please tell me. I will listen. As I muse over this matter, I arrive and get lost in countless more questions that I now doubt if it could ever be answered. Perhaps life is not given to apprehension by the mind or intellect but more so to be lived with our hearts for the enriching experiences it might yield to us.
Lastly, we probably would not have questions such as what we entertain now if we only knew who or what we are. So, who are you? What am I? The irony now, is that no one can truly and validly answer this question but YOU, YOURSELF. No one else. Agree?

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