An Outlook

An Outlook
(By Vic Buaquen)
To lay down the foundation of this outlook, let’s review the past from the time of Moses to be the beginning of the era of the Dispensation of Law. It was through Moses the Ten Commandments was given to man. The coming of the Christ into the world with his enunciation of LOVE as the primary and ultimate precept by which man should live for and live by began the era of the Dispensation of Love. Now let’s postulate another era and call it the Dispensation of Responsibility which does not necessarily replace the Dispensation of Love but could be coexistent with it. The beginning of this new era should be at the ascension of the Christ when he said he was going back to the Father and stated that man shall then on be doing greater things than what Christ did in his lifetime. It was the signal beginning for man to put on the cloak of Christ awareness and start wonders and miracles for all. Has man done so?
So the question to ask now is, what has man done since the ascension of Christ, to the present times? There would possibly be as many answers as the number of people who would try to answer such question. So comes in this outlook which could be one of several that could be given.
Christ has come to the world and has given his message to man. How did man heed the message of the Christ? The departure of Christ from the world left man holding the ball, so to speak. So how has man responded to the message of the Christ? What has history got to tell us? An unbiased look at what happened actually for the past two millennia should provide the answer. Yet, many might say that the answer will be in the eye of the beholder and not on what actually happened, which might also be valid observation.
Nonetheless, this outlook shall be given for those who would care to look or listen. This Dispensation of Responsibility is understood herein as the time for man fully transforming his old self into a new and awakened state of Christ consciousness. A transforming of the physical man into his birthright of divinity as a child of God. It is now man’s responsibility to make Christ real in his life and being and not just a belief or faith, mistaking the map for the territory. Faith or belief in Christ or in God become now the very barrier for man to actualize Christ in his life. Where have two thousand years of believing and having faith, brought us? History simply shows that faith and belief has not brought mankind home to the oneness with his Maker. Being and believing are two different things and are a world apart from each other. Paul said that it was no longer his old self nor his belief in Christ that made his life new but the reality of the Christ consciousness or awareness in his very being that has changed him completely. Let’s stop our fallacy of taking the pointer as the target. By simple definition, faith and belief presuppose that what you believe or have faith on is not reality in your life or being. What is the relevance of faith or belief in God once we attain that oneness with our Maker? From the vantage point of the Christ, it appears that his focus is not our faith or belief but our full and complete transformation into that empowered, divine and awakened state that he attained.
Is there urgency today for man to attain the Christ consciousness? Or do we continue to believe and have faith for another two thousand years? And continue in the barbarism, wars, violence, pain and misery that was the human lot throughout history? Shall we continue to do what we used to do and continue to get what we used to get?

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