Aristotle' and Philosophy


Just wanted to make a short post on Aristotle, a greek philopher who was born in the city of Stagira, near the eastern coast of the peninsula of Chalkidice sometime around the year of 380 BC.


His twelve Virtues are habits that should be practiced to help a person self actualize and contribute more personally and creatively in their lives,.


Aristotles 12 Virtues

  • Courage – bravery and valor
  • Temperance – self-control and restraint
  • Liberality – bigheartedness, charity and generosity
  • Magnificence– radiance, joie de vivre
  • Pride – self-satisfaction
  • Honor – respect, reverence, admiration
  • Good Temper – equanimity, level headedness
  • Friendliness – conviviality and sociability
  • Truthfulness – straightforwardness, frankness and candor
  • Wit – sense of humor – meaninglessness and absurdity
  • Friendship – camaraderie and companionship
  • Justice – impartiality, even handedness and fairness


~Quality is not act its a habit,..
Excellence is art formed by training and habituation.
We are what we repeatedly do, we are what we repeatedly say.~


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(Repost of my own from months ago,)

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