**Am I Awake..? Do I Even Exist?**

Am I Awake..? Do I Even Exist?

It's not uncommon to be asking questions and find your attention wandering, eventually you willingly throw yourself into pondering some of lifes biggest mysteries. I for one have done some time in the universal mind... Along my journeys I have noticed one constant. Through all of the thoughts I allowed my self to entertain I have always been going through change. Learning, adapting and recognizing new perspectives. This is absolute change in the way I think, how i feel and how i interact with my environment. When I go to sleep at night I am not the same composition of cells, I do not hold the same intentions or ignorance's i did earlier this morning when i awoke. My being is in a perpetual state of flux.

This leads me to a single glorious thought- Do I even exist? I am under the assumption that the "self" is not unitary as every body belongs to a system. Other then our "programming" we are all basically the same software, there is very little that differentiates my self from the other entities contributing to this system. We as "human" being's are just that; Humans, "being". It seems to me that reality that we give credit to as "existing" doesn't actually exist per say. It is an elaborately believable illusion; where most of us are so similar in so many was that we now share the "human existence" as a an experience. All of our bodies are extremely very close to identical . I remember reading an article on a DNA study that stated humans share 99.9% DNA with each other (Roger Highfield).

So if all of our lives are navigated in the same sensory body it is undeniable that we are not lone beings. We have each other and together we are all trying our absolute best with what we know and are capable of to further Humanity. With these notions it is more then fair to say we as humans; communicating and interacting are essentially creating a whole new entity with in it's self . All within the vastness of space and existence! We are solely responsible for ourselves but individually we are so susceptible to or environment that we are dependent on each other. Especially from birth. So we have an inborn obligation to contribute and strive for the development of our race.

Personally I strive for the feeling of being a "superman", as some German philosophers would refer to it as. A state of being known in some religions and belief systems as "Enlightenment". Buddha puts its plainly as " the ending of suffering". It is in these states of mind where we can then actively choose the relevance of everything around us, we can willfully embrace or reject thoughts and actions. Actively shaping our own world and perception of it, because in reality it is all just an illusion. Why not go about it with a level head as well as maintainable aspirations and emotions.

Growth, resilience and true understanding- these are concepts I strive to define my self with. I choose to live in a world where all of existence is beautifully harmonious. This is a place where one can learn lessons, experience all the qualia and stimuli a soul can have impressed upon it. I can choose to be myself and I can choose to know myself. It's really a wonderful feeling! It's almost as if I'm living a waking dream. Have you ever had those dreams? Where everything seems to be so calculated, lucid and just makes perfect sense- but then you wake up and your in your room again. All of a sudden these concepts which seemed to be so relevant and truthful are all just a mishmash of very peculiar and quite novel things. You stand up and start to go about your daily routine, but things are odd. You start to question reality- and then you wake up for real this time.

False awakenings can be deja-vu esque experience and they often leave you with a wonder and some profound thinking. I've always wondered, when is it my turn to wake up again? When does my ethereal soul get to sever the silver cord from this temporary cocoon of flesh and emotion and glide freely through the higher spaces of my mind and being...



Just a thought, ...Stay Lovely psychedelic_peace_sign_stickers-p217582589258020992b2o35_400.jpg

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