Living Like Coffee (Philosophy of Life)


Hello Steemian

Do you know? Coffee is just an ordinary drink but the sensation is so great it can be. I'm not just a coffee lover, It's just that I'm happy with enjoying coffee. I don't know what coffee I drink, is it Arabica or Robusta? I don't understand that, For me everything that is black and bitter is coffee. Or anything that smells coffee even though it's brown to me is still coffee. That's my story about coffee, That's how I enjoy coffee.


Coffee is very synonymous with a taste that is so bitter. Therefore many don't like coffee drinks. Maybe they don't know how to enjoy a cup of coffee. Try if they know where the pleasure in coffee, I'm sure they will make coffee a part of their lifestyle. Maybe they haven't found the after taste of coffee. Well, after taste is a flavor left in addiction. Coffee when we're drinking tastes bitter, but still there is a sweet taste behind it. That's why? Any bit of coffee remains sweet taste. It depends on how we enjoy it.


I personally like the Coffee mixed with fresh milk (Sanger). The combination of coffee, milk, and a little sugar that is a perfect collaboration. It's sweet and bitter to be in one flavor. Spelled sweet, but there is a bitter taste behind him and bitterly, but really there is a sweet taste. "Sanger" is the best of the best.


Like a cup of coffee, life is the same. All there is a sweet and bitter side, depending on the same circumstances. Depending on how we react to it. Coffee is bitter, try a little added sugar. It would taste sweet. The important thing is how far our effort to find coffee that taste sweet.

So does the life we ​​live. Life is bitter, but try a little trying to create a sweet life. How to do it? The answer "think, Let's try as much as possible. You know the coffee is bitter, and you want a sweet coffee. Automatically you add sugar. You know this life is bitter, you should also know what to do so that your life is also sweet.



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