Simple and Effective Method to Find Motivation, Joy and Happiness in Everyday Life

Demotivation simply comes from no motives/ willingness to action. So what is the easiest way to bring your willingness to action back? Here’s my method.


Just try to focus on your environment, eg. simple physical objects. Try to find joy within them and just be happy about their simplicity. They just are, present, they neither want anything nor expect anything. They just repose in stillness and themselves.

It doesn’t matter if we focus on components of insensate physicality or components of nature - we can find joy and happiness just because of them being as they are and that they doesn't want anything.

Because we often want to much in the same time we can get lost in our desires and endeavours that much that we completely forget and stop being grateful for what we have.

That’s what we all have in our interior - the value which we represent. Thanks to billion of thoughts and desires and actions of others, the Universe is in constant motion - there’s always something going on.

So because we are currently resting in stillness, we can even start to feel pangs of conscience just because we’re standing still and don’t do anything particular. That’s a horrible mistake! We just stopped for a moment to take a deep breath and fascinate about thing around us or within us.

Thereby we’re accumulating a “charge”, which we’ll be able to direct into some actions! What will it be? - It depends only from us.

If we don’t feel like admiring stuff around us, we can simply move attention to our breath.
Just take a deep breath in and even deeper breath out so we can feel some pressure on diaphragm. When we simply enjoy and are satisfied about ourselves, we can forget (even for a short moment) about all that desires and endeavours we’ll be able to find pleasure with everything around us.

Everything you have to do is to focus and stop wanting to change anything. Just accept it as it is and be happy about the way it is and isn’t different in any way.

Another source of willingness to action might be just an average talk with another person. It doesn’t have to be anything special - just a common talk about things we like or don’t like. We can talk about things around us or just be by each other side and be happy about it.

We don’t have to change anything in ourselves. We can just feel better together because there a more of us. In mathematics minus and minus gives plus. In life it’s more like adding the same things makes more of them. One more, two more, 3 more etc. We may call it accumulation effect, where like attracts like. It doesn’t matter how much different we are on the surface. Does the skin colour, age or sex really matter if we can just talk about what’s linking us? Of course not! Just because the second person is next to us and is agreeable and doesn’t want to change anything about us, is very valuable. Just the short conversation about things, which interests us - just some simple exchange of thoughts might make a lot of pleasure. In all of that it’s good to keeps some sense of humor as well as maintain a healthy distance from oneself. It is possible to bring two extremes together due to sense of humor.
That’s what may connect us on this level is similar understanding of abstractions and considering the same extremes as funny. Does it amuse you, when you see some older, horny man on the party, who at all costs wants to impress young lady, which just wanna dance and have some fun? He has a certain expectations from her and she doesn’t want anything from him. Everything she wants is just to have fun. No matter with who, what really matter is the attitude of this person.

So the difference of levels mostly occurs because two people have different expectations from each other. But there must be a common ground where they can “meet” and talk or do something together.

But, back to the topic of lack of motivation…

You can also try listening to your favourite music or do some simple physical activities. You just have to put yourself into montion. It's good to stand still for a moment but then sooner you'll get back to work then sooner it'll be done. There's no other way to get things done...

In physical world there’s not really any other way to get things done but just doing them. Your thoughts won’t do anything if you won’t be heading towards your goals. Thoughts are really useful, because consciousness can control them. With thoughts you can control emotions and your physical body.

Only actions may bring you closer to your goals. If you stay focused and heading towards your goals they will be heading toward you as well. But you have to act! Universe likes impetus, take advance out of it :)

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