What Is The Purpose Of Life?

We live on this Earth but is there even a purpose of us sustaining our lives here?

Every day we live in an endless cycle, for some, it may be waking up, eating, going to school then coming back home and sleeping. For others, this could consist of going to work, but although we may have a few altercations in our life, it is the same persistent thing happening.

A deep rooted belief in our culture today revolves around self worth.
Your life is wagered on your worth, this creates a polarity of either high joy or low depression depending on where you're juxtaposed by socieites judgements.

As if its not enough that you are a living breathing result of billions of years of evolution.
You are forced to prove your existence, despite the fact that you've already made it into existence.
It's ironic in this search for meaning, we ask why we exist when we already do exist.

This mentality, that we are born without worth and must spend a lifetime accumulating it, is the most construed idea of them all.
Because of this we are constantly comparing ourselves to our environment trying to evaluate the worth of things in the desperate hope that if we can determine the worth of something maybe we can use it to enhance our own self-worth.

The delusion of worth is grasped by our minds to fill the void of the only rational truth - there is no real purpose in life.
But is this really a bad thing?

Clouds float by with no purpose.
There really is no purpose other than the value we assign to it.
There is no meaning before we apply our thoughts.
Nothing on this planet other than humans exist for a purpose.
No other creature on this planet asks itself "why" it exists.
Why am I held captive to this "why"?

Perhaps, the flaw lies in the question itself.
There is no why, that's how the "why" is a never ending question.

What're your thoughts on purpose?
Thank you for reading!

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