Thinking About How Fleeting Life Is πŸ’‰ Stay Positive During Rough TimesπŸ’›


The Short Time We Have

When someone is given some diagnosis like, you have got stage four cancer, you almost certainly have at the most six months to live, folks clearly take a much different view on life, since you recognize they will pass away before long, which puts things in perspective, and most people understand that. Petty things get dropped, what's extremely important to them becomes more focused.

But the factor is, we ALL have the death diagnosis, it's simply a matter of time, one day, one month, one year, ten years, a hundred years etc etc., it's solely a matter of "time". However, we do not go around with the same kind of attitude as the one that is given to someone who doesn't have long to live.

Create Value For Yourself

I think lack of mindfulness of the death sentence that's coming our way regardless of what's also deliberately encouraged to be neglected by society at large, for it's an enormous downer, and other people may ask why hassle with the routine to solely die at the end (and if lucky it'll be fast and painless, for most it won't) i don't think system wants people thinking like that an excessive amount of, best to distract them.

Surround Yourself With Positivity

In Today's news, sure your gonna die and you may view your existence as simply an exploited peg in an economical machine for the elite, however Trump addressed some countries as SH*T HOLE COUNTRIES" lets talk over and over and over about that.

Surround yourself with positivity and don't let the pain outweigh your coping mechanism as this is where this dread festers. Maybe start off by watching this video. I think this is one of the funniest videos I have come across but of course, humour is subjective so be sure to let me know your thoughts.

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