Thoughts on the Antifa vs KKK and stuff like that.

I love how "New Age" people think that just thinking positive thoughts and not getting upset or angry or looking at the bad things will make the world better.
Yet, it keeps getting worse and worse and worse..

So.. How's all that positive thinking doing for all you New Agers? Have you stopped any wars with your positive thoughts and ignoring reality yet?
Peace and love! Let's just love our tyrants away while they torture and slaughter millions of people!

I don't really consider myself to be a part of ANY group. Though I do often refer to myself as an anarchist or minarchist.
But.. It's not like I belong to a group of these people, it just means I don't believe in rulers.
I've never gathered with likeminds to protest or destroy property or anything like that.

BUT.. I do find it fascinating that all these people are basically defending KKK Nazi dudes and villifying the people who are protesting them and Fascism in general.

So.. On one hand.. We have these like white pride unite the right/white people, who basically love Trump and the fact that he is dropping bombs on lil brown kids..
Yet.. It's the ones who are protesting all that garbage that are the bad guys? Wow...

If you didn't know.. The KKK basically took credit for getting Trump elected.
They wanted him to restore "America" and kick out all those illegal immigrants and blah blah blah.
So, are you so surprised to see Trump having such a hard time condemning racism?

It took him a while and he avoided it for a bit before he finally did!
Then the KKK got all butthurt cause they thought Trump was their guy, which he is.. But.. I mean..
How many of you Trump supporters are surprised by any of this?

You claimed Trump's not racist! That stuff he said was out of context and was propaganda!
Yet.. The KKK themselves claim to have elected him and thought he was their guy.

It's not surprising to me at all. Anyone with a lil bit of common sense could tell he has elements of racism and sexism and classism in his personality, not to mention narcissism and sociopathy/psychopathy among other bad traits.
Naturally he is going to resonate with other people who are like that as well.

I think a lot of the Antifa people are morons too, but.. I wouldn't say they are any more violent than Trump supporters.
There's probably more videos on the internet of Trump supporters attacking people than Antifa.

I'm not stupid enough to personally label all Antifa or all Trump supporters as bad.
I don't want to be a part of either group either.
Yet.. I think the one that is continuing a foreign policy overseas that has killed more innocent people than Hitler did of the Jews during WW2 is the biggest terrorist. (IE our government and those who support our interventionist foreign policy overseas)

The racists who wanna turn the middle east to glass are much more frightening to me than the Anti Fascists who have sprung up in resistance to them almost like a body creates "antibodies" and fights against getting sick.

Now.. Some of us have been warning that the US is turning into something similar to Nazi Germany for a while.
We've been warning, there's even been high level people who were in secretive parts of the government who have claimed things like..
"The Nazi's didn't lose the war, they just had to move"

And that was in direct contextual relation to MkUltra and Operation Paperclip.
Our modern hospitals in regards to drugs and how many people are being tested on and killed is similar to concentration camps of old if you look at it really close.

In fact.. It's the exact same companies making the chemicals too sometimes. The same fucking companies that were testing on Jews in WW2 are testing on people these days with their drugs in the US and around the world..

We have a pair of Fasci in our congress building! The marriage of government and corporation is clear to anyone with a brain. We fit the definition of fascism if you're honest enough to look at it.

SO.. As I said. I think some Antifa are stupid, especially the socialist ones. Yet.. These people are much like the people who rose in resistance against Hitler. Which I think it was good for them to rise against Hitler.. Don't you..? Or should they have just taken all the abuse and been happy and positive?

And Antifa historically were the same people who opposed the Nazi's as they rose to power and hunted down the Nazi's down after the war and murdered many of them.

This post may come as shocking to some of you, but..
I think there are corrupt people in power, including all the living presidents (except Jimmy Carter perhaps who was the only president to not drop bombs on innocent people) and who should be arrested and either spend the rest of their lives in jail or be executed or whatever punishment the people decide their crimes deserve.

They should not be above the law, they are humans just like us, and they are mass murdering people. As I said.. By a recent study, more people have been killed by our Foreign policy in the last couple decades than Hitler killed of Jews during WW2.

WHAT THE FUCK. STOP AND LET THAT SINK IN. Our foreign policy is literally killing more middle easterners than Hitler killed of Jews during WW2.. WAKE THE FUCK UP if that doesn't process.

Ahem.. Sorry.. Trying not to curse and be mean.. But.. Our government is basically worse than Hitler in some ways, it might even literally be the same occult people in power behind the scenes(See above where I mentioned MkUltra and operation paperclip).

That goes back to Clinton and his sanctions which killed like a half a million children, or a million or something like that.
These people all should be tried and charged with crimes in my opinion.. They are some of the biggest criminals in history.

So.. What you're seeing right now.. Might be some of the initial signs of the collapse of America.
This might be a natural result of becoming too big and corrupt or it might all be planned, for us to go down a similar path as the Nazi's and then when America collapses the ruling powers will then just "move" again.
Probably to Dubai. Who knows though.

In a sense.. You should be really scared of these Antifa people, they are militant, they are a militia. Their purpose is destruction and violence in order to bring attention to their issues.

And.. In a sense.. Are they so wrong? America is basically like a big free range concentration camp.
Almost everyone I know works full time or multiple jobs and can't pay their bills. We are like free range slaves, people are sick of it, people are dying in the streets and all this is coming at the cost of the rest of the world being raped as well.

Just cause you may have a nice comfortable life or job for the most part and it works and you're not starving or whatever, doesn't mean there isn't crazy shit going on.
You might be seeing the beginning of a civil war.
And if you are a corrupt business man or politician or even just a regular sociopath racist, you might wanna be concerned!

You should be concerned even if you're none of those things, cause innocent people get caught up in all this.
I dunno what to tell you. I wish I could say I felt more sorry for you, but you've mostly brought it on yourself by not caring about others and living a "king of the hill" lifestyle that rapes the entire planet for your greed.

I think it's only a matter of time cause.. The American way, the way it has been going.. Is unsustainable..
In order for you to live like kings with your cheap fast food meats and cheap Wal Mart slave labor and on and on, you have to keep most of the rest of the world down.. And well.. They are tired of being kept down.

In summary..
I wish just thinking happy thoughts and ignoring reality made life better.. Yet.. Did that work for anyone in Nazi Germany?
Do you think if you just ignore the plights of all these people that you can escape the anger that is building?

No.. Just like back in WW2.. Talking and thinking only goes so far.. When people are being hauled off to concentration camps and shit like that..
Just asking them to "Please stop".. Doesn't work. It's not enough.

The Antifa and other groups are breaking windows now and starting small skirmishes with people..
Yet.. If this goes much further and society starts to massively break down...
Watch out, thinking happy thoughts won't be enough.

PS.. To be clear. I advocate peace, violence is a last resort of self defense..
However.. Who is to say when that line has been crossed and it becomes self defense?
The people in power have been enslaving and attacking us for thousands of years.

We ARE under attack and HAVE BEEN for a long time..
Yet.. I doubt you will ever see me inciting violence or trying to tell people to go take direct physical action.
That is a decision each person must make themselves when their personal line has been crossed too far.

Hopefully all this shit just calms down and we can move forward through peaceful communication.
Though.. If America does start collapsing like numerous empires before it..
Good luck. Some of us tried to warn you and tried to speak out on these problems.


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