Hikikomori? What's that?

(Picture is not mine and from a movie about Hikikomori I forgot what it's called though)

Hikikomori? What's that? Most people are unfamiliar with the term.
By translation I guess it's suppose to mean something like.. "Withdraw"

I discovered the term when an old friend shared an anime show called "Welcome to NHK".
A really good show if you don't mind cartoon type of stuff.
And, I think one reason the show resonated with me so much is because.. I am sort of like a Hikikomori.

I'm not extreme in the sense that I never or barely ever leave my room, though.. I do spend way too much time in here.
I used to go outside every single day, and these days, I still get outside decently often, I try to spend at least one day a week hanging out with my parents and talking to them.
I don't really have a serious problem going to the store and shopping and doing things like that..
Though, some of these people.. Like.. Barely ever even leave their room.
And according to statistics there's somewhere around 1 million people like this in Japan, and they claim probably much more cause those are just the ones who actually responded and didn't just totally ignore the outside world like many Hikikomori.

I was looking for unrelated info last night but due to my search came across the subject again and watched a few videos and..
Started reading comments from Hikikomori individuals, and.. I have to say.. I can vibe with these people..
These are kind of like my people.. They are sick of society for whatever various reasons..
Whether it's because they are shy and insecure or have health problems or just can't stand the hypocricy and insanity of the world.

This is a big lesson for me and it may be for others who read this who may not be extreme Hikikomori, but might be somewhere on the path there or just sort of are anti social to an extent like myself.
This world is really difficult for people who want to be free and healthy to adapt to..
You almost have to become sick to be normal in this world.

If you don't just count Japan, but included the whole world.. It's probably millions of people who have withdrawn because it's just too much. It's too absurd, it's too fucked up.
For many, life is a lot more peaceful when they just.. Leave.
And I agree it is. But.. It will most likely never get much better if those of us who see it all abandon it.

As much as I want to run away from society.. I know deep down I have to confront it, and try to understand it.. And do whatever I can to try to add more reason and morality to it.
But.. I understand and relate and to a degree even envy those who have given up. There is a peace that comes when you stop trying or wanting things to be better and just accept it.
Though.. I'm stubborn, and not good at accepting corrupt and unjust things, so.. I gotta keep trying to be a part of society even if I hate the way it is right now..
Below is just one quote from someone who has pretty much given up, and with valid reason. I can't blame them. The words they speak ring true. And it breaks whatever is left of my heart to think about just how many people feel like this.
Millions probably feel something like this..

"I have become very disillusioned by everything, work mainly. I could list where this started by me becoming so ill from working that I collapsed at work and have lost all confidence in my ability to do anything. I have no choice but to get up and move however as my debts are mounting and I need money. I doubt I will ever be truly happy in this life of mine, everything seems like an impassible wall. There is no compassion in society. It's an oiled machine that grinds everything up.

It's easy to say shit like, get up and move. Stop whining and just work. But life needs to be lived and when you realize you cannot live in the life ahead of you and, there are no more chances or any hope left in it. What do you do? Realistically it leaves two options, live or, die. I wont die, not willingly anyway. But life just doesn't feel worthwhile enough there isn't anything for me out there in the world except more pain and disappointment. This is depression and I don't like the use of drugs especially given the experience I had when I had taken some in the past. Why do I have to take drugs to alter my minds chemical balances when the world remains just as savage and stupid a place as it was yesterday."

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