Skeptiko with Michael Shermer

This is a very good conversation when Alex isn't interrupting Michael and acting like a dick! Shermer is my favorite skeptic although I completely disagree with his giving economics a free pass and wearing rose-colored glasses on the issues of scale and sustainability. Someone should introduce him to the non-aggression principle, voluntaryism and issues of unnecessary exploitation and coercion. Deal with and fix those issues and the glasses may be wearable--right now not so much especially when one factors in the economics involved with environmental externalization all fuelled by unsustainable usury.
This is yet another example of why humanity needs a new academic model where spirituality can be studied in a new way by those who are both believers and skeptics alike. This way we wouldn't get materialist bias or religious bias science; but rather the science of the highest order and integrity. I can't think of anything humanity needs more at this time given the breakdown in trust that has happened this century which will only get worse if something is not done to bring trust back.
I don't know what it is about all these 'talking-heads' but none of them will talk about the obvious: that this is a brutal existence consistent with a brutal evil God. Gatekeepers? I don't know, but there are so few willing to talk about Gnosticism that it makes me think they've been told not to talk about it or discuss it. I guess it's offensive to certain people and groups.
Anyway, Shermer is no slouch as far as considering all the myriad complexities and nuances involved in traditional metaphysics but I think he may be overthinking it. It may be as simple as unknown mechanisms being able to transform the human body into a light body which would then exist in another dimension not accessible to us unless we go through the Gnostic process of transfiguration--whatever that is. And when we die? It's our memories which are stored if we don't ascend as I don't believe in souls or disembodied​ minds. If it has mind it has a body in my opinion! And yes, the experience of the light in NDE is happening within the body-mind​ while you're still alive even if only a little. If one were to truly die and not ascend one's memories would be stored by the archons and re-downloaded​ at re-birth (the degree to your re-memorization doesn't appear to be an exact science--some people remember more than others and some are completely wiped).
So, listen up if you can and let me know what you think of the interview.
Cheers! And here's to Frenemies:)

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