The Root of all Evil

Our world is full of injustice, hate and violence caused by the greed, selfishness, mediocrity, envy and obsession that many of us suffer, from the great rulers of the world to the most insignificant citizens have been causing that through the history of humanity have been generated wars, confrontations, slavery, exploitation, torture, assassinations and rejection among equals.

Thousand yard stare

Great philosophers have attributed the evils of society to something much more complex than an evil entity such as the devil or our own sins which in many religions are grounds for punishment even up to the fourth generation of our offspring.

For these philosophers the root of all evils is Ignorance.

Ignorance is then the origin of all evils. Submit to the pleasure of the body and riches is the greatest ignorance (Plato, Protagoras: 357d), and ignorance is the cause of evil because it leads to wickedness.

The Evil that Causes Ignore

Without us realizing, when we ignore, we make mistakes that harm both ourselves and others by not knowing the consequences of our actions.

We make decisions in certain situations and consider them ideal or correct at the moment when we are actually causing harm, we acquire habits in our lifestyle that harm our health, we prejudge before knowing, we allow ourselves to be influenced by the opinions of others without considering their veracity because we do not know.

Who knows the Good will give reason of the good, but also of the bad, of the evil; On the other hand, who is in evil can not give a reason for the good or the bad. Beyond all good or bad action, Good is absolute and in no way relative.

An ignorant person does not know what is really good or bad for himself or others, knowing expands our thinking therefore we are able to reason all our actions or those of others, in this way we avoid making mistakes and act properly.

We consider material goods and possess wealth important, because of that we destroy, invade and kill others. The ignorant cause harm by not knowing the empathy or love, the selfish does not know that causing harm to others is an indirect way of causing harm to oneself, and the good that is done to others is a good that we make to ourselves.

... everything we do sets in motion a cause and this brings a consequence, positive or negative, that will depend on the cause set in motion. There is no coincidence, good luck or bad luck, only results.

By living in the same world and harming others, sooner or later we will suffer the consequences, a minimal action can affect thousands of lives, people and living beings with whom we live, interact and share our planet, at some point the hatred generated by our bad actions will affect us.

EXTR.- I think I see a very large, difficult and feared form of ignorance, which is equivalent in importance to all the other parts of it.
TEET.- Which is?
EXTR.- Believe we know something, when nothing is known. I am afraid that this is the cause of all the mistakes that our thinking makes..
TEET.- It's true.
EXTR.- And I think that only this form of ignorance corresponds to the name of absence of knowledge. (Plato, Sophist: 229c)


In our society mediocrity is something that abounds and critical thinking is something almost impossible to find, this makes a lot of sense because that make us easier to manipulate, control and be used for the benefit of the great rulers and industries, the system. From childhood we are instilled with thoughts and ideas that are then so difficult to quit, and which are highly damaging to society.

Critical thinking in my opinion is the first step to overcome ignorance. Using critical thinking we realize how wrong we and others can be, critical thinking is the real thinking using the reason. With this we stop repeating like parrots everything that we consider true, when we repeat we do not think, we simply use the thoughts of other person who may be mistaken in not knowing something about the situation.

Being able to use critical thinking means that the opinion of society or other people is not accepted indiscriminately, having individual ideas, through knowledge of the arguments for and against, and taking a decision of their own regarding what that is considered true or false, acceptable or unacceptable, desirable or undesirable.

If there is something that characterizes the mediocre person is his lack of interest in knowledge, the mediocre person believes that he knows everything when he is just repeating like a parrot or simply feels satisfied with his little knowledge, which he considers sufficient.

Only the ignorant believes he knows everything, because he does not know the complexity of the world and therefore of the universe, those who know are aware of everything they do not know, the wise recognize his ignorance and that is why they worry about improving or gaining knowledge. By acquiring knowledge we find more related information that opens the door many times to completely different and complex fields of study, for the ignorant the little information that he has represents the whole.

For these philosophers true education goes beyond the simple acquisition of knowledge. For them, education is a process more focused on obtaining the ability to differentiate the good act from the wrong act from the exercise of the first, this must allow the learner ''to enable the condition of their knowledge."

There are two types of education to cure ignorance: 1) the admonition, which is ineffective, and the paideia or education by arguments, in which the learner analyzes their erroneous or false knowledge and becomes aware of it by eliminating the evil that did not allow him to acquire the knowledge of the Good, of the Just, and even of the Evil. In other words, he purifies his soul (Cf. Plato, Sophista: 230b-d).

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