The mindset

How I think affects everything about me.
Ever woke up in the morning with such nerve wracking pain,symptoms that you are sick,that you'll lie in bed soonest,
Then comes this thought that 'I can't be sick'.
Realize you jump out of bed and get going,you might even feel empowered in certain kind of way.
That is exactly how much our mind drives us,not only on issues of our body system, but also in every activity we are involved with.
Mindset of a winning makes you a winner.
Mindset of success makes you succeed.
Mindset of Greatness,keeps you great.
Mindset of failure,makes you fail
Mindset of fear,keeps you in bondage.
I'll tell you to keep the positive mindset,tell yourself how well you will sail through, how rich you'll become, how brilliant you can be,how much you'll fight.
It adds gaits to your footstep.
It keeps your hopes alive.
So pull down that weak and frail mentality,run away from those toxic thoughts, fight against the urge to stop,push out the despair and depression.
You can!
It start from your head
You just need a positive thought to start building your castle of positive mentality!!!

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