Special Postcard

Last week, I sent a letter to my friend, attached was a rose photo that I won from the Summer Show this year. After a few days, she surprised me with a very special card. Tadannnnn it was a seal postcard! It really made my day. The seal reminded me of Weku platform:):) different spelling tho lols

She is a very inspiring woman. At the age of 92, she still keeps going. We do Skype now and then, sometimes she would write me a letter and I would write her back.

She loves receiving cards from her family and friends. Nowadays, writing letters or sending cards is not very common. Though email is faster especially now with the modern technology.

When was the last time that you receive cards?
Keep shining everyone.

Gratefuvibes Discord Channel https://discord.gg/ckGqMG
Zeal Discord Channel https://discord.gg/Vq6rep

Yours truly,
The village girl @sunnylife

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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