38/365: "February 7, 2019"


Hey everyone! Its my 38th post for my 365 days challenge. And I'm posting the photos I took during the 2nd Home Coming Photography Workshop last December 2018. All photos were captured using Canon 1100D and enhanced in Adobe Lightroom CC App.

I personally love this photo. It was between 6 to 7 in the morning when we went to these group of fishermen and just few minutes after going around and taking some shots, it started raining. It was kinda frustrating because we won't be able to get more shots.

Ironically, the photos that I love the most during this workshop was taken when it was raining. It was so surreal. Seeing these kids' genuine happiness as they play and enjoy the rain.

Reminds me on how we used to just take things lightly and have fun. Those carefree moments, completely ignoring the consequences, not worrying about the future, just pure innocence and joy. =)

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