An Unusual, Crazy Sight in The Street!

Everybody knows that roads are passageways of vehicles. A road is a piece of land which connects two or more places. But too much vehicle volume on the road causes a traffic jam. A traffic jam is a line of road traffic at or near a standstill because of road construction, an accident, or heavy congestion.

Sample photo of a traffic jam at night

And many more factors that cause a traffic jam but definitely goats are not one. Wait? Did I just say goats? What do goats have to do with traffic jams?

Okay. I just wanna share this unusually crazy sight on the road. I was sitting on a waiting shed outside our school campus with my friends. We were just having a common conversation going on when suddenly a commotion was started. We were flabbergasted with this hilarious herd of goats in the busy street. When I say in the street I literally mean in the street!

It may sound heartless or inappropriate to laugh at these petty animals but when you are in that kind of situation you just can't help but to be amused. It is not everyday that you see these crazy creatures animals around especially in a busy street. Where is their owner? I believe they went out for shopping? HAHAHA. But seriously, the owner perhaps was frightened because his/her farm animals have gone " AWOL".

You can see in the photo that the goats are blocking a motorist in front. I wonder what the goats were having in their mind. Are they talking about a plan about their escape in the great danger. An estimated 1.3 million animals die every day after being struck by cars and trucks in Brazil, according to a recent study by Centro Brasileiro de Estudos em Ecologia de Estradas. That's 475 million animals every year in one country alone: about 15 animals every second. That is sure a big number. If only these goats can access internet and find out the statistics of animals involved in road accidents they would surely lose their head off.

Don't worry a traffic enforcer helped to guide these innocent animals. But they still went back to the streets maybe because they have no idea where to go. Obviously, they are tamed animals and tamed animals need their owner to rescue them because they can't lead themselves.

The motorists where careful enough to avoid and stop before the animals. Luckily, the goats reached an empty street making them safer than they were at in the busy road.

I wonder what happened to them further. I hoped those amazing guys were found and returned home.

" Everything happens for a reason". (1)Maybe it happened for the owner to know to always be alert so that these animal will not wander off again, who knows what will happen to them again.(2) For me to understand that there might be lessons in that incident.

And YES! I learned a number of things in that incident.

  1. UNITY. I realized that in this kind of situation, when you're in the family, no matter what circumstances life throws at you it may be problems or blessings we should always be united. In unity there is STRENGHT to overcome problems in life. As Ephesians 4:16 says " From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

  2. COURAGE. When faced in danger the least thing you need is FEAR. Being afraid does not solve any problem instead it will worsen the problem. Do not let fear conquer the " David" in yourself.

  3. FAITH. When everything fails, remember that God's love will never fail. It will never change. Trusting in every way possible. Believing that you will be saved from the troubles in life.

I also realized that in all thing it may be big time or small time there is always a lesson to learn in life. Stay alert for signs and take opportunities as they are given; if you keep an open mind, you will be shown what to do and when to do it.

Thank you for rendering your time to read this simple but full of realizations experience.



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