The Beauty of the Philippine Woman - 10 things you need to know before marrying a Filipina

10 things you need to know before marrying a Filipina


They know they’re beyond beautiful
There’s no denying that feeling beautiful creates a positive effect on how women feel about themselves.
The Filipino woman goes beyond beautiful because of one simple truth:
she knows that looking good inside is as important as looking good outside.


A Filipina doesn’t have to wear a crown to feel beautiful. Even the so-called “average” Filipina stands out because of her unique disposition and traits


Many western guys who visit the Philippines are simply blown away by the beauty of the women. Their dark hair, dark eyes, naturally tanned skin and slender figures and youthful looks


Filipinas are brought up to act and to be finesse, refined, delicate, and proper at all times, and believe sex is for someone you intend to spend the rest of your lives with.


Filipino women value their relationships and they are very loyal to their husbands. They are sometimes even viewed as martyrs in a relationship because even if they are suffering, they will just keep their silence because they do not want to cause big trouble in their relationships. They will stick with their man no matter what.


Many Philippine women are smart and well educated and excel in many fields more than men, even in the fields which were thought to be masculine such as engineering, computer, architecture, etc.


Filipinos respect elders so much that most will refuse to put their parents and grandparents in a nursing home. They take them in until their last days on earth. At a young age, Filipinas are taught respectful responses like “po” and “opo” and blessing the hands of our elderlies as a gesture of respect.


Filipina are very openly loving which is a lot different from other cultures of southeast asia. She will be proud of your love no matter what you look like and no matter what your age and will want the world to know that she is in love, so expect that she will introduce you to her family and friends.


Filipinas still have weird superstitions
Despite the more modern thinking that younger Filipinas have adopted, there will still be a few superstitions lingering that you would probably find weird. Some would avoid sleeping after taking a bath because they were told as kids that this would make them go crazy. Whether they believe it or not doesn’t matter – it has just become a subconscious practice for them, much like not leaving the table while someone is still eating, or that person will never get the chance to get married.


Filipinas love to sing, they will sing there heart out either on the karaoke in the bath or shower even preparing or cooking a meal.
It can be such uplifting if your girl can hold a tune but if she cannot and sounds like a strangled cat dont tell her it will break her heart.


A day in the Park with Angelley, a true Filipina Beauty!

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