Photo(s) of the Day: 2 Days Compilation (19 & 20/365) with 26 Photos!

Through my camera lens, I'll tell you my story. Showing the world as I see it. Whether in full color or in black and white. Caught in a photo or two, a collage; A bit of my story, one day at a time.
© J C A L U M P I T

Another post with 2 consecutive days. Please bear with me as I slowly but surely try to catch up with my photos everyday. Thank you!



I have assisted two of my dental co-clinician on their special surgery cases today. The first one was Aza's odontectomy case. A lower third molar impaction. The case was a Horizontal impaction, depth A (which means it is above the cervical line of the 2nd molar), and ramus relationship is Class 1. The way to get the tooth out is to get a clear access to the area by doing a flap. Once a flap is done, bone reduction with a bone bur is done. A vertical cut with a straight fissure bur is used to section the tooth in half. So the mission is to cut the tooth into two parts. The first part would be the crown of the tooth which we see if we smile and the second part would be the root which is below the gums. After the crown is removed, we would now try to luxate (wiggle to loosen and try to dislocate the tooth from the socket) the tooth. A dental forcep (pincers or tweezers used in dental surgery) is used to removed the tooth from the socket. It may sound scary but it is very simple once you get to know how to use it.


A dental xray of a horizontal impacted third/wisdom tooth

The time it take to do this procedure depends on how difficult the case is and how experienced the clinician is. We tend to not say how long the procedure will take because if we tell our patient a certain time, they might complain later on if we didn't hit the target given. Just know that every case is different and we will never have the same one.


The tooth was divided into two parts

The second case was a vertical impaction, depth A, and Class 1. It was a case of my friend Kim Dao. It is a different case from the first one so the approach to getting the tooth out was different. We still had to do a flap, then bone reduction, luxation of the tooth and finally removal of the tooth with the use of a dental forcep.

I'm the guy in the middle. The shortest guy in the picture.

Group picture after the odontectomy (3rd molar extraction)

We ended a bit late and we were was hungry. My friend Kim, treated us for dinner. However, they had a 6-7P.M. class so we had to wait.

While waiting, I took a picture of the sunset.
The sun was already gone but the light was still there so I had to do a long exposure to bring out the colors. The shutter speed was around 10 seconds.

Another view with beautiful colors of the sky.
You can see Center Mall on the right lower corner. The the hill top is Barangay Upper Market. I have future photos of the place so tune in for my later posts.

It was an hour wait so I went to the other side of the building to capture the cars passing by. I didn't have any stand so I had to just let the camera sit on the window. I had to hold the camera as well just to make sure that if it falls, I would be able to catch it.

First try:
Long exposure had to be done for this shot. 30 seconds shutter speed.

Second try:
Look at that taxi making a U-turn. It made the photo interesting. Even the car that went into the parking lot made the photo much complicated.

Third try:
The road was busy as you can see on the photo which is better when doing this type of photography. I think a truck was doing a U-turn. It had a blue light.

One hour wait was a long time for me so I had more opportunity to just go and take random photos. Here are the photos that I enjoyed.

I had to zoom in all the way for this photo. This is the street beside center mall.

A close up view of Barangay Upper Market. Look at those houses. It seems like they are stacked like a pancake.

I couldn't decided between these to consecutive photos so I will just show it to you guys. Enjoy!


After finally waiting for an hour, we headed out to go seek out fora buffet type of meal. We were suppose to eat at "Inihaw Republic" but it was still close. They were still fixing the place up for their first time opening.

We got tired from our walk from school to Inihaw Republic (1km away with hills) so we decided to just eat at the closest buffet which was "Kalapaw." The serve Ilocano dishes. I didn't get photos due to the fact that they promised us more food will be brought out but their promises was all lies. We were not satisfied. I don't recommend you guys to eat there.

Instead, I looked around for subjects to take photos of.
Their orb like chandelier was cool so I took a shot.

The restaurant's Christmas decoration was already up.
Gift boxes with Christmas lights inside.


Going To The Market

On the next day, I went out to the market to fill up my weekly supply of fruits and vegetables.

Going down from my dormitory to the "Palengke" or "Market."
Beggars seems to be everywhere. I usually give to those that do music and sings because at least they are sharing their talent. Sometimes I buy food for some of them. If I have treats, I also give.

A random pharmacy along the way to the market.

Sayote/Chayote cart.
I was already near the market. I was starting to see vegetables.

Workers segregating the strawberries.

Yum! I wanted to buy so bad. So I did!

Colorful "wallis" or broom.
I was at the tourist part of the market so the merchandise here was a bit higher than usual.

Manong, (showing respect to an older male) selling strawberry jam.

Garlic hanging. I had to buy some.

Fish area and meet area.

Bangus or milkfish. One of my favorite.

You see those ball shape meat hanging? Those are longanisa which is like a Filipino sausage.
I don't buy my meat in the market. I usually buy them at a grocery store or a supermarket.

I tend to avoid the supermarket stores when it comes to fruits and vegetables. I try to support the local economy as much as possible.

Giovana fruit. I'm not sure of the spelling but I love eating this fruit. Anyone knows the exact name of this?

I wasn't able to take more photos because my hands were already occupied with the fruit and vegetable bags.

I was inspired by @gamer00 to do a One Photo Everyday (OPED) challenge. I have done a similar challenge in the past but I wasn't able to finish them. The furthest I have done was 300 days. Today will be a new day because this platform is better at providing support to do a daily photo for 365 days.

Thank you for reading my daily photos. If you read this blog, I dare you to do the same and capture your surroundings and daily where about. You might look back one day and glad you documented your daily life for a year.


+ Week 1 - Photo(s) Every Day: Life Blog Weekly Update (1 to 7/365)
+ Week 2 - Photo(s) Every Day: Life Blog Weekly Update (8 to 14/365) Week 2 Edition with 10 Photos
+Photo(s) of the Day: Family (15/365) - 10 Photos!
+Photo(s) Every Day: 3 Days Compilation (16 to 18/365) - 13 Photos!

Date of Post Today: 11/23/17 - 11/24/17


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