Photo(s) Every Day: Life Blog Weekly Update (8 to 14/365) Week 2 Edition with 10 Photos

Through my camera lens, I'll tell you my story. Showing the world as I see it. Whether in full color or in black and white. Caught in a photo or two, a collage; A bit of my story, one day at a time.
© J C A L U M P I T

Here is a weekly update of my photo(s) ever day or one photo every day. This will be a way for me to keep my post at one place so that the list of the daily update would not be cluttered.

I have chosen 1 (one) photo every day. These shots are the photos that I think had a great way of conveying of what I did that day. If not, it is the best out of all the photos from that day.


Night Photography with Lights

Today, we watched our friends play basketball. They won! 3-0. After watching the game, my friend and I ( @corinthzared ), went out to do night photography. She was still learning the basic on night photography with lights so I had to teach her a few things. We didn't have a tripod so we had to find a stable area to let our camera capture the lights of the buildings and the lights of the cars passing by. All of my shots were taken at ISO 100 or 200 with shutter speed of 30 seconds with f/22. I had to play around that camera setting depending on the site.

She enjoyed every moment of the small tutorial I gave and next time that we plan to do night photography, we will bring tripod.


Tourist and Traffic in Baguio City

Today, I helped out a friend sell his iPad. A teenager bought it and she had a lot of friends during the meet. I think it was to make sure that she doesn't get rip off.

Traffic today in Baguio City was slow. Tons of people visited Baguio due to the ASEAN summit in Manila. They had a long vacation which caused them to visit the City of Pines. My friend took us over an hour to get a taxi. It wasn't a pleasant time for him but for me, since I had my camera, I was enjoying taking pictures.

The bus was overpacked due to this influx of tourist. It felt like traffic was in a hault.


Goat and Dogs

Today, we continued our Orthodontic-Pedodontic patient case. I had to pick her up because they didn't have classes due to heavy traffic in Baguio City. Along the way, I saw these animals. The goat was from a farmer. He left it there so that the goat can eat grass all day long.


Busy Day and a Sunset

This is a day that I almost forgot to take a photo. It was a busy day in school. I wanted to do a photo walk by myself earlier today but it started to rain so I got lazy. A sunset shot after it has stopped raining.


The Waiting Game

Today was another tiring day for me mostly due to a lot of waiting. I started my day around 9 a.m. I had to pick up my 10 years old Orthodontic-Pedodontic patient (Eunice) for her appointment. Her mother was out. No one could drop her off at my school.


Track and Field

I went to Burnham Park this morning at around 6:30 a.m. I knew that I would be able to see a lot of activites going on in the park. From experience, I knew that there would be zumba dance group. My friend and I used to come here to run on the track. It was nice to see people out and about on a Friday morning.


Different Activities

Another day, another time at Burnham park. Why do I keep on coming back to Burnham? There is a lot of different activities that goes on in Burnham park. The park might stay the same everyday on how it looks but the people that goes to Burnham everyday does not. It is a matter of trying and finding out what the differences are.

A week of relaxation for me. I was just getting to know the city more.

Bonus Pictures




Thank you for reading and make sure to keep up with me and my Photo Everyday Challenge/365 Photo Challenge.

Weekly Update

Week 1 - 1 to 7/365

Agyaman nak! / Thank you! / Salamat po! / ¡Gracias!


© J C A L U M P I T

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