Philippine National Police Training Program - Informative Blog!

Philippine National Police


I went to Melvin Jones and this is what I saw upon going there. I saw the PSBRC (Public Safety Basic Recruit Course - Liyab Diwa) going under training demonstration. It was interesting because it was my first time seeing these much people in uniform in the park.


Recruits coming in from the other side of Melvin Jones so that they can go into formation.


Men and women are aligned and in formation.

Since I was curious on what was going on, I did some digging. I wanted to learn more and now I want to share about the PSBRC.


Martial arts?

According to what I have read, PSBRC is the first phase out of 3 phases to become either a police or a firefighter. The Cordillera Administration Region Training Center which is located near Teacher's Camp in Baguio City is the epicenter for the Cordillera region.

There are actually 4 different categories for the PSBRC but the 4th category (PSFTP) is for a recruit that has just started.

They can even do Cordillera traditional dance. It is part of their training.

The first one is Public saftey Officers Candidate Course (PSOCC). The training period is 4 and 1/2 months. It is designed to equip a Senior Commissioned Officers with the most updated knowledge, sills and proper attitudes which then in return help the trainee to perform his/her duties responsibly.


Some dance moves I think? I wasn't sure what they were actually doing.

Next, Public Safety Senior Leadership Course (PSSLC). The training period is 3 and 1/2 months. It is designed to equip a Senior Non-Commissioned Officers with an attitude, skill, habit, value and knowledge that is needed to manage and be a leader for the Philippine National Police.

Look at that. Hundreds of them in a formation.

Third is the Public Safety Junior Leadership Course (PSJLC). The training period is 4 and 1/2 months. This allow a trainee to be equiped with fundamental knowledge and proper attitude to become a leader for the junior non-commissioned officers.


Endless view. Most of the recruits are men.


Showing off what they can do if you want to go against them.

Last but not the least is the Public Safety Field Training Program (PSFTP). The training will take 6 months of theoretical aspect. Yes, all written which means it will help in building the knowledge and discipline of the public safety officers.


Uniform on fleek

After the PSBRC, the trainee will go under the second phase which is "Field Training Excercises (FTX). This will include patrol, investigation/first responder and traffic management.


This was a demonstration of how they would go against mobsters or protesters that didn't go well.

The third or last phase is Filed Training Excersices (FTX) Assessment and Evaluation. This part of the program will take 1-month. The second and third phase combined will take a period of 6 months. With this type of training, it is ensured that the police force of the Philippines will be well trained.


Protesters (other recruits) demonstrating how they would go about in handling the crown.

If a recruit wants to become a member of the PNP Non-Commissioned Officers, the duration will be 12 months and it is divided into 3 phases. The first phase is the Public Safety Field Training Program (PSFTP), then Field Training Excercises (FTX) which includes patrol, investigation/first responder, traffi management, and last part is the FTX assessment and evaluation. Once finished, the recruit is given the rank Police Officer 1 (PO1).


Different tactics of controlling individual protesters.


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