The Right Man's Character


Fall in love with a man who makes efforts for you everyday, not just on Valentines Day. Someone who makes efforts because that’s what you deserve, not just because he wants to have sex with you.

Fall in love with someone who remembers small details that you share with him. Someone who remembers special dates in your life. Someone who remembers you dreams and fears in life.


Fall in love with a man who brings you closer to God. Someone who prays for you. Someone who strengthens your faith. A relationship centered with God will stand the test of time and will last.

Fall in love with a man who does not add up to your insecurity. Someone who accepts your flaws and imperfections. Someone makes you feel that you are beautiful despite how imperfect you are.


Fall in love with someone who can handle your mood swings, crazy meltdowns and all your dramas. Someone who is very patient and understanding with you.

Photo Source: Pinterest


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