What's Been Going On Lately - Sept 2019

Hello there my super-awesome fellow steemians, I am back by updating my friends and followers here what's been going on from the month-long silence. I know you all have the idea of what made me really busy this whole period wherein I wasn't able to post anything at all. Yes, being a technical support consumes my time, my sanity, drains my daily allotted energy and my enthusiasm to project a certain level of optimism visible for everyone to notice.

I felt encouraged to take a lot of selfie because my boss gave me a pair of lip-colors and obliged me to wear them everyday. It was a kind of subtle reminder for me to establish a personality development process for my own sake. I know for a fact that she is just helpful enough to build me up and always project the best version of myself because she already saw the huge potential I could be in the super near future. It has already been an issue of mine since I already lost the will and effort to make myself look pleasant to the eyes of the people around me.

Shot using the front camera of Oppo A5S using a lamp-shade light

A long and extensive 6 years of just staying at home and been with the company of so-called friends who just left me because I was already useless and couldn't be able to help them anymore has led me to this kind of perception to just not care about myself and how I look. Thanks for this reminder from my team lead whom I regard to at least follow because nobody had the courage to tell me this kind of improvement that I need to do for myself.

I would like to thank my supportive boss for this awesome recognition.

My unsurpassed loyalty to her leadership is like a fire burning inside my heart and will stay at all times. This would somehow show my gratitude for all the efforts she is doing for all of us. I already passed the stage of adapting to the different attitudes of my team-mates which made us working together harmoniously. They are all helpful, unselfish, and also have the same positive outlook in life which makes them being loved by our leader too.

Being Consistent Is The Key

It is easy to do what is the right thing to do with each and every task being assigned to us. The real challenge is to do the right thing consistently because each and every scenarios may differ from one over the other. It should always be executed with the right approach and in-line with the policy. The demanding customers who seek for more than what is due for them always spark the dilemma whether bend the rules or just stick to the policy. If we do have the sense of integrity innate inside our personality then we will always choose what is right over a decision on what would only please the customers but might cost our jobs.

I am enjoying a lot wherein leaving my mom and my awesome pets for 5 days and live in the premises of our awesome Contact Center is an extremely wise decision. My work-life balance is kinda affected but then I just constantly remind myself that my job is also my life. Nothing else needs to be put on the other side against my job on the weighing scale but myself and my family only.

Preparing For The Holiday Season

This also means preparing myself for the most pressured moments in our line of support. Well, I came from the toughest accounts on the planet. #Telstra, #TMobile, #HSBC and #AT&T. I have also been a consistent one of the top 5 agents for 10 consecutive months. The highest ranking I have achieved is the top 3 among 100 agents on the floor. The basis for that ranking are these metrics: Reliability, CSat, AHT, and QA. The summation of all those KPI's will determine your monthly scorecard. Though I know that each account differs from the other but I will just do the best practices that I know and just follow the rules.

We'll just see how it goes. For now, I am just enjoying the company of my brothers and sissies! I just love them all!

I also had a great bonding moment with our Account Manager herself together with my boss and some colleagues. Previously hearing a commendation from her sparks a great amount of encouragement which will let me cling to that thought whenever there would be times I wanna give up.

The Countdown For Christmas

It is fast approaching. But I really don't understand why people save much just to spend 90% of your savings on this awaited day by many. Why not save much for the next year's unexpected financial needs that we might all have in the future?

We all have different perception but I still choose to be practical. Being inside the office would definitely prevent me from spending lavishly on those significant dates.

Taking account of your monthly performance would definitely track our own progress. Since I am also a content creator / blogger then definitely it is beneficial for all of us to share our achievements and what needs to improve on.

October here I come! It will be my first day of the month later this evening.

Thank you for reading this far and learning something from this experience. Follow me @fycee and let's all start caring by sharing.

The powerhouse team!

See you again on my next post!

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