Valentine’s Day is a day of celebration for love and lots of love! And it is just around the corner!  

Got a date but no idea how and where to celebrate it? Let me give you some tips and ideas!    

Who says Valentine’s Day is only for those with a partner? I’ll tell you some secret (or not so secret) to celebrate the day on your own and be happy!   

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or whatever it is you believe your status is (too complicated?), here are some things to consider:  

1.) On a thrift mode? TRY THE PARKS!   

 Spending big on dates might not always do you any good. All those classy and fine restaurants might give you a dose of hassle-free romantic setting, beautifully arranged food plates and candlelights, but you might want to tone down your game a little bit. Why not spend more time with your partner talking under the starry night instead of instagraming your plates? Popular parks around the metro will provide you a decent backdrop, good grass-cushion, and well-lit star-filled sky. It might get crowded and less private, but isn’t it that all seems to stop when you are around the one you love?  

2.) Big spender? Luxurious Hotels and Others. 

 Okay, so let me clarify that what I’ll suggest are those I DEEMED luxurious enough based on my means. I am not rich and well-off so some of you might still treat these suggestions not to your standards.  

a.) Luxury Cruise – complete with scenery and fresh air from the sea.    

b.) Luxury Hotel – during this period, almost all of hotels are offering huge discounts on their rooms and services ideally for guest of two. So start searching and reserving for that perfect hotel now so you won’t be having a hard time looking. Big names in Manila include Sofitel, Edsa Shangri-la, Nobu Hotel.   

c.) Or better yet POP the BIG question in a dazzling manner – might as well asked the Question on that day ( I think you should have a ring) and probably she’ll say YES and schedule the wedding on June.   

3.) Now, for those of  ASIM (Alone, Single, Iniwan (Left), Mumu (Ghost) ).     

 Well, I believe we all encountered that time when we have to be alone on the V-day. But that won’t mean that we will always be like that. We just need to open up to more people and enjoy every second of our life. But then, here are some ideas if you are celebrating on your own.   

a.) BARS / CLUBS – It is a popular destination for the barkada (group). Invite them and you will not be alone anymore.    

b.) Movie Marathon – get those movies running ‘til dawn and celebrate that it will be payday on the 15th!  


Pares is a kind of Filipino beef stew. But pares can also mean Pairs! At the least you got to have a pair of your own! :P  

  THAT’s all FOLKS! If you have any other suggestions and ideas, comment them down!  

Note: I am not in anyway affiliated on any of the names or brands in this post. Image Source [1]( , [2]( , [3](  , [4](

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