Women’s Month Feature: Ms. Janice Hung, A Woman Empowering Communities

Women’s month is a yearly commemoration that highlights the contributions of women in the society. Since International Women’s Day is observed every 8th of March, the Women’s Month is also celebrated every March in different countries around the world such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and the Philippines.

Back in history and still happening in some countries today, women have been considered inferior to men. As years passed by, a lot of women have proven the world that they can also have significant contributions in the society and around the globe.

Since we are still celebrating the Women’s Month, I would like to highlight a woman who is an influencer, an inspiration, and a role model to a lot of people. She is a woman who empowers communities. Her name is Ms. Janice Hung.

photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung

Ms. Janice Hung is an International Wushu Champion, a 10-time Gold Medalist, commercial model and actress based in the Philippines.

I remember one conversation I had with her. She said that she wants to inspire a lot of people around the world. She finds fulfillment in lifting people’s spirits up and adding value in their lives. Everything that she does now like show business and social media is her vehicle or medium to empower people.

Empowering Communities Through Social Media

Ms. Janice Hung is a social media influencer. She has a huge number of followers. She has more than 275,000 followers on Facebook, over 18,000 followers on YouTube, and more than 50,000 followers on InstaGram. Here in Steemit, she gained over 1600 followers in less than 2 months.

In social media, one way that she inspires people is through her daily posts.



Another great initiative of Ms. Janice is the Wushu Challenge where participants will do the Wushu stances or poses of. Anyone may join, whether they are Wushu practitioners or not. This challenge empowers people by encouraging them to get out of their comfort zones by doing something they never imagined they can do.


In Steemit, she recently held the Wushu Challenge where 80 Steemians participated. A total of 100 SBD was given to the winners. I read a lot of good comments about this challenge. I, myself, did the Wushu Challenge and submitted my entry. I did it as support and to show people that if I can do it, they can do it, too, though I am not part of the contest since I am part of Steemit Manila with Janice Hung.
Doing the Wushu stances was not easy, but I tried and tried until I was able to do them. The poses were not perfect but I felt fulfilled.

my Wushu Challenge pose

Empowering Communities Through Inspirational Talks

Another way Ms. Janice empowers people and communities is by sharing her story, experience and wisdom whenever she has an opportunity to deliver a talk. Last February, she was invited to have a Wushu Performance at St. Louis College. After her performance, she delivered an empowering talk to the students. She shared her journey and encouraged everyone to never give up especially on their dreams.

Wushu performance by Ms. Janice Hung [image courtesy of GMA Network]

some of the students from St. Louis College

Empowering Communities Through Advocacies and Projects

Through the years, Ms. Janice have been actively involved in advocacies and charity projects such as the Muzikamedy, Wushu Kids, feeding programs, gift giving activities, and the recently launched uDEFEND Project.

photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung

Muzikademy is the first charity project she spearheaded, which aims to develop Filipino talents and enhance their musical abilities. It is a platform for aspiring singers, songwriters, and musicians. Through this free music camp, the youth scholars were able to showcase their talents and were given a chance to become successful musicians with the help of mentors from the music industry. Some of their scholars after the camp were able to get recording contracts from some of the biggest recording companies in the Philippines.

some of the Muzikampers [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

Wushu Kids is a project where she taught Wushu to the young ones. Through this, she was able to teach kids the value of healthy lifestyle and sports.

some of the Wushu Kids scholars [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

Ms. Janice has also been involved in charity projects like feeding programs and gift-giving activities in different communities.

gift-giving event with the Aetas [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

outreach activity [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]


gift-giving event [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

Last year, Ms. Janice founded and launched the uDEFEND Project.
It is her advocacy to teach self-defense to women and children so that they will be able to defend themselves. As contribution to the community, she also developed the uDEFEND Charity Project. She aims to teach public school students for free since they are the ones who cannot afford to enroll in a self-defense class. As we know, attackers target those who they think are weak like the youth. By teaching the students the uDEFEND program, they will be able to defend themselves in times of need.

uDEFEND Project [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

Ms. Janice teaching self-defense [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

This March, in celebration of the National Women’s Month, Ms. Janice Hung was invited to conducted the uDEFEND Project in Barangay San Lorenzo. Around 50 women learned how to defend themselves against common attacks or threats.

Ms. Janice teaching self-defense to women

the participants of the uDEFEND Project held this March

Ms. Janice Hung is a living example that we can give back to the community in different ways. Some may think that they cannot have any contributions but truth is everybody can help others in their own little ways.

If you want to donate for the Udefend Project
You can send SBD to @udefendproject or @janicehung
and write in the memo Udefend Project.

Connect with Ms. Janice Hung:
Steemit: @janicehung
Instagram: @janicehungwushu
Youtube: Janice Hung
Facebook: JaniceHungTV
Join us in discord : https://discord.gg/XhEBP4p

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