It's All About Attitude

You can either have a negative outlook on life or choose the other way around. Good morning, Steemit family. I stumbled on a saying I saw on Facebook this morning that says, " What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or tear you down." How true is that? I have been feeling a little sad these past days for a lot of reasons. Probably because of too much chaos in the world and a few of family struggles.

It's all about attitude. We can choose to live in negativity, despair, anger or we can choose to lift ourselves up. Sometimes, I need to remind this myself. Take a deep breath, look around, feel the warmth of the sun and keep moving on. Yes, there are times that are very sad for us in life but we ourselves are the masters of our own destinies. We need to love our souls. Life is indeed easier when we just chill out.


Every day we wake up is a good day, filled with endless possibilities. Our day is definitely formed by how we spend our first hour when we wake up. We need to check our attitude, our thoughts and our hearts. Everything else will fall into place.


In our own gratitude for our own blessings, let us also be the first to offer a hand, a smile, a welcome. One love.bloghound

October 3, 2017
(Photos: My daughter, my daughter and my husband, the beach - all taken by me)


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