NTT Residents Shocked Mixed Fear! New Chicken Slaughtered, In His Heart Appears' '2020 and 10D2E01'


The discovery of chicken hearts with letters and numbers made residents and the church members of Sonaf Neka Church, Huilelot Village, Semau District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, shocked in fear.
Chicken hearts with letters and numbers they get from chickens that have just been slaughtered.
Quoting from Pos Kupang, the slaughtered chicken is planned to be made for lunch at the annual GMIT Sonaf Neka Huilelot session.
According to Rev. Viktor Boru, the chicken was purchased on Monday 11/2/2019 in the morning.

"So this morning at 8:00 a.m., we bought two chickens to eat normally. It just happened," said Viktor.
Then when the meat is cleaned, a citizen sees the writing on the chicken's heart.
"Two chickens were slaughtered immediately. When they were about to clean the meat to cut it, a resident named Yohana Poto then saw the writing on the chicken's heart," Victor said as quoted by Grid.ID from
In the chicken there are two numbers of letters and letters.
Almost everything is printed upside down.

If seen in more detail, the writing on the first line looks like "2020" while the second line is like "10D2E01."
"Initially we thought it was a stamp or writing on the newspaper that was attached, so we had time to wash repeatedly, but the writing was even brighter. Residents and the congregation also linked this paper to 2020. Also on December 1, 2001 for the second row," Viktor explained
This strange situation had made people afraid.
Even so, the chicken meat is still consumed by the congregation.
"Residents and the congregation were afraid of this incident, but I have already assured that everything will be fine," he said.
For chicken liver contained in the writing, now stored in Victor's refrigerator.

Discovery Chronology

Thursday (2/15/2019), residents and members of the Sonaf Neka Church, Huilelot Village, Semau District, Semau Island, Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), were horrified by the numbers and letters written on the hearts of the newly slaughtered chickens.
Pastor at GMIT Sonaf Neka Huilelot, Victor Boru said, the rare event occurred on Monday 02/11/2019 yesterday, when a meeting was held with the church members.
"The numbers and letters are in the heart of a broiler purchased in Hansisi Village from a farmer, named Maria Koen,".
According to Victor, on Monday morning, he and his congregation were in a meeting to discuss the church budget in 2019 and also the preparation to host the Semau Class meeting on Wednesday 02/13/2019..
At that time, a number of mothers wanted to prepare lunch for the meeting participants so that they also bought two broilers.
"Two chickens were slaughtered immediately. When they were about to clean the meat to be cut, a resident named Yohana Poto then saw the writing on the chicken's heart," Victor said.
In the chicken liver there are numbers and letters. Two lines. Almost everything is printed upside down. For example, the number 2 inverted resembles ‘S’ or 5. The writing is more like the number "2020" for the first row. And "10D2E01" in the second row.
"At first we thought it was a stamp or writing on the newspaper that was attached, so we had time to wash repeatedly, but the writing was even brighter. Residents and the congregation also linked this paper to 2020. Also on December 1, 2001 for the second line," he explained

According to Victor, the thin membrane that wraps the chicken's heart was covered with dirt and blood residue.
Residents then thought the writing was only attached to the outer thin membrane. But after being rinsed many times, even the brighter the writing.
Even so, said Victor, chicken meat is still consumed by the congregation. "Residents and the congregation were afraid of this incident, but I have already assured that everything will be fine," he said.
For chicken liver contained in the writing, now stored in Victor's refrigerator.

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