Mysterious Anomalies Appear in Africa and the Potential of Sunrise from the West


Anomalies or mysterious phenomena seem to endlessly occur. The state of the earth's surface is changing with the growth of industrialization. Plus we have to realize that the age of the planet of life is getting older and destruction is a certainty that will happen. But we will never know when.

Back to the initial discussion, a mysterious phenomenon happened again and this time came from the African continent. Scientists can be said to have been confused about the phenomenon. South Atlantic Anomaly, that's the name of the natural weirdness that happened. Now this Anomaly stretches from the regions of Chile South America to Zimbabwe Africa.

With this anomaly phenomenon, the earth's magnetic field is weakening. And according to research studies this is a pattern that has survived for more than 1,000 years. The researcher hypothesized that the occurrence of a weakening of the magnetic field with a fairly fast duration would affect our North and South Poles so that it could potentially turn around.


Actually this anomaly is not the first time. Previously or around 780,000 years ago the weakening of the magnetic field had already occurred. And this earth will experience this reversal as much as 100 times throughout the history of the earth in a time interval that cannot be determined. So still researchers cannot predict when the exchange of magnetic fields between the North and South Poles caused by this anomaly.

What is clear and needs to be underlined, weakening occurred very quickly in the last 160 years. Here the author does not want to connect between an oddity from a natural phenomenon with a sign that it will be the last day. But you have to realize and know that reversing the weakening of the magnetic field can cause an exchange between the north and south poles.

This means that all directions on this earth will change, such as north to south or vice versa. The shift of magnetic poles will cause a position exchange where the current magnetic north pole shifts in such a way that later occupies the location of the magnetic south pole and vice versa.

That means one of the Doomsday signs of sunrise from the west will potentially occur. But clearly we cannot be in a hurry to draw conclusions because this anomaly is not necessarily going to completely change the direction of the pole, Waallahua'alam only Allah SWT knows.


"We now know this unusual behavior has occurred at least several times before the last 160 years, and is part of a larger long-term pattern," Hare said. "However, it is too early to say for certain whether this behavior will lead to polar reversals. full."

On the other hand, the South Atlantic Ano Maly is also thought to originate from an underground lake located 2900 km below the African continent. The lake is surrounded by hot iron from the outer core and also a stiffer and cooler coat. So this is the area that disrupts iron which produces the earth's magnetic field.

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