My Top 3 Scary Characters & A Chance For You To Win STEEM

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What Lies Beneath...?

I don't know and I don't want to find out because I'm a wuss 😁 You see, Halloween season isn't a time for angels like me to walk around (HA)! Instead, our cousins from the depths of hell reach out to entice any wandering souls in to the darkness. Admittedly some are a little more forceful than others but who said evil spirits were fair?! Not this angel...

However, I have been on a mission since April 2019 with 3 other angels or devils (depending on how well you know them I guess 😂) - @cheese4ead, @plantstoplanks and @foxyspirit - to get as many people involved as possible with our frankly awesome contest! It's all about embracing and challenging you, the STEEM community, to come up with your Top 3 favourite things about a specific topic each month and tell us why.

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Scary Characters

This month, we have chosen the topic of "Scary Characters" which seemed horrendously appropriate given that it's October and we were all feeling particularly devilish 😈 This can really be ANYTHING that is scary from general beings like zombies or werewolves to specific characters in a movie you watch as a kid. Whatever character scared you the most, we want to know about (some more sordidly interested than others haha)!

I'll have more about the specifics of the contest later on and we all dearly hope you'll get involved but first, I need to pull myself out from behind the couch to share my picks for this month's topic.

Note: As always, none of the Panel members are eligible for the contest but we may share our own picks with you. Our liquid post rewards will be used to top up the prize pool so more can be given to the winners, which could be you 😉

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Nicky's Top 3 Scary Characters

Ugh man, this was horrible for me haha! Definitely out of my comfort zone with this one and in fact, had to look away from the screen at some point when I was finding trailers and images for what I'm about to share!

I spent my lunch break today reading some of the contest entries that have come in already and I'm glad I read them in broad daylight vs before bed! Some characters like The Creeper (from Jeepers Creepers) and the girl from the ring had my heart pounding and I'm glad I had already eaten at this point otherwise I'd have been put off my lunch! Then you've got the classics like Witches, Zombies and Vampires as general spine-chilling beings but I've gone for characters in films that scared me (which admittedly, doesn't take much) and I didn't see them picked yet so gotta get in quick haha! Here goes!


Jigsaw (Saw)

Damn, I remember when I first heard about the original Saw movie in 2004 from school friends who had just turned 18 and were like, "This is the best thing ever you have to watch it"... so I needed to wait until it came out on Sky TV as I had such youthful looks (and still do), I wasn't allowed in to the cinema at 17 to watch it! I now know why...

The first film was the best of what I watched up to around Saw IV and I know there are many more but I think ol' Jigsaw, the orchestrator of such nasty games where the victims have to make impossible choices depending on how much they value their lives, is definitely worthy of my Top 3. That doll when it comes in to the later films... eesh - "Time to play a game... live or die, your choice..." Please don't whisper those words to me... ever 😂

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Adam Duncan (Godsend)

If dolls and creepy voices don't send me over the edge in horror movies, then evil children do! In the film Godsend from 2003, a sweet and gentle 8 year old boy called Adam Duncan tragically gets killed in a car accident. His parents, grief stricken, come across a doctor played by Robert De Niro who is able to clone Adam and give his parents a chance to relive his life again from birth. Everything was fine up until the cloned Adam makes it to the same age that original Adam was killed... then all hell breaks loose with horrible visions and elements of murderous psychosis as you enter the world of cloned Adam... kids in horror films... yikes! OK, only a 15+ film, they could have taken this a lot further (from what I remember) but hey, I was 15 at the time and I was not up for speaking to kids after that!

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Marlow (30 Days of Night)

It's 2007, phew, I made it to Uni and don't have to watch any more silly horror films... or so I thought... One of my life long friends and brother came up to visit me in Birmingham around mid October time for the weekend and we'd had a heavy night partying on Saturday night and just wanted to get over the hangover by going to the cinema for a bit of entertainment. Then my friend rocks up to the ticket attendant, asking "What scary films are on at the moment?" "30 Days of Night is a vampire film that's out at the moment", she replied. "It's not a cheesy vampire one is it?" "No, it's pretty scary actually"... "Greeeeeat..." I thought to myself... well, it can't be that bad, I'm 20 now, should be no problem....

Yea, I had my eyes closed for most of it 🙈! What a gruesome film haha! Based in Alaska, winter sets in and the remaining residents of a small town need to survive 30 days of perpetual darkness before day light returns again... unfortunately for them, there is a group of blood thirsty vampires lead by head vampire Marlow and they effectively wipe out most of the town's population on the first night, leaving a few survivors to fend for themselves for the remaining 29 nights... I would not want to meet this vampire leader (or his cohorts) in any alley... maybe broad daylight seeing as I'd probably be safe...! 30 Days of Night? More like 30 days of nightmares. For Pete's Sake 😭

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Let's Take a Breather 😅

Ok! Phew! It's over, the horror and scary stuff is over for this post thank GOODNESS haha! You may agree or disagree with these picks, whichever way, I'd love to read about your top 3 scary characters in a post... well, I maybe won't love it per se - I'll leave it to my 3 other devilish partners who are all into their horror shenanigans - I'll be clicking on your post and running away in fear 😂 (I'm kidding of course...maybe)!


Get Involved

So how can you get involved in this month's contest? First things first, let's make this absolutely clear:

Any Steemian can get involved in the Top 3 Contest!

This is very much a welcoming-to-all contest so if you were put off before by seeing PHC in our profile @phctop3, don't be. We all met in the Power House Creatives Discord server and we are still very much engaged with the awesome, talented PHCers who have been tremendous in their support along with generous community upvotes from @curie and @appreciator - we are SO grateful, thank you!

In fact, as a result of this support, we've been able to dish out around $100 in prizes since we began this contest and we want to give out more! Could you be a winner? Only one way to find out! First, there are a few basic rules when you write your post:

1 - Use the #phctop3 tag
2 - Tell us your Top 3 AND why (very important second bit)!
3 - Send the liquid half of your post payout to @phctop3 (you keep the Steem Power)

If you're stuck, feel free to join our Discord and ask away, the top 3 community is already growing and we have plenty of fun in there too! Make sure you follow @phctop3 for the latest updates.

Otherwise, we look forward to welcoming you!

Good Luck!


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