Dogs of the Dow - Worst performing Dow stocks

Company Name                           Ticker                Recent Price             12 Month

                                                                                                                               % Price Change

GENERAL ELECTRIC CO               GE                                 14.71                        -47.966

PROCTER & GAMBLE CO              PG                                  72.95                       -15.361

MERCK & CO                                     MRK                              59.20                        -6.874

DISNEY (WALT) CO                        DIS                                102.92                       -6.172

INTL BUSINESS MACHINES       IBM                               143.74                         -4.409

COCA-COLA CO                                KO                                 41.72                           -4.290

EXXON MOBIL CORP                    XOM                              81.79                            -0.921

JOHNSON & JOHNSON                JNJ                                  125.13                          1.205

3M CO                                                 MMM                              202.41                         2.971

UNITED TECHNOLOGIES             UTX                                124.55                         3.079

These are the worst 10 performing Dow stocks over the past 12 months.Remember the Dogs of the Dow theory learns from behavioral economics to suggest people over correct when they see stocks doing better or worse then average i.e. they behave differently then an efficient market would dictate. There seems to be some evidence that buying the dogs of the Dow, holding them for 12 months, and then selling them delivers market out performance. 

As you know I added GE to the portfolio this week. Next week I am going to have a look at Procter and Gamble (PG) and will let you know what I find.

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