Murder most foul - well, fishy

@tim-beck, @wesleybeckza and I are taking care of our neighbours' cat while they're on holiday.

She's a tiny, sweet, friendly, homebound cat and butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

Isn't she gorgeous?

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She doesn't need much - just some time to snuggle up to a human, purr a bit and get her ears scratched. The cat kibble and water bowl are easy-peasy as well, and we leave a window open enough during the day that she can roam in and out. However, she sticks really close to home.

Won't you also take care of the fish?

A little while after giving us the cat briefing, our neighbours also asked if we'd feed the fish. Sure, we said, although I didn't remember an aquarium from the tour our neighbour gave us. Just put five flakes of fish food in and the fish will be happy, was the instruction. Easy as pie, we thought. Go back in the evening, feed and water the cat, make sure she's snug and inside, feed the fish his or her five flakes, and all will be well.

The story turns fishy

Turns out this is the aquarium, hiding in plain sight. Perhaps the fish was hiding in plain sight as well.

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But no, I couldn't find a fish in there on my first "o-fish-al" visit, so Tim messaged our neighbour, who reverted with "It's a Siamese Fighting Fish, and sometimes it hides under the mushroom".

Ah. I know nothing about fish, so figure I need to look harder next time. No stress.

Next time I went by, I looked under the mushroom. Fishless.

Back to the neighbour. He reverted somewhat nervously now that maybe he'd left the fish in a glass by the sink while he was changing the water.

Nope. No fish in the glass (relief!).

I pick up the pitcher, hoping to get the shy fish to show itself. Siamese Fighting Fish, my butt, I think. This is the most timid fish I've ever come across.

Not a fin, scale or other Siamese ichthyological bit to be seen.

What could have happened?

Perhaps something more sinister was at play, we started to think.

My mind turned towards the prime suspect. It's always a family member, and they always look so innocent.

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Perhaps she doesn't look so innocent now.

Brazen - in broad daylight

Would you call this circumstantial evidence, or do you think we've found the disappearer of the fish?

Bold as brass, she stepped off my lap to the table to have a sip - from the fish jug. And this after I'd changed her water!

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So, dear reader, what do you think happened to the fish? Do we have enough evidence for a conviction? Our beauty had motive (yum), means (as you can see) and opportunity (home alone).


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