Ultimate guard dog

When my other two dogs died of old age I needed to replace them quickly.Guard dogs are imperative for the house security when you are out during the day. Word gets around who has what as security by the domestic workers. We have a maid who does all the household chores, but I trust her. Other houses haven't been as lucky though as most of the breakins have been proven to be inside jobs.

My first choice for a guard dog was a Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff). This breed was used by the Roman Legionairres in battle. I was outvoted though even though I believe this breed is the ultimate security prevention system. The puppy school said a big "no" when I asked them on my choice of dog.

This breed makes a Rottweiler look like a poodle. We went for our usual in the end which was a Bullmastiff. They are loyal but not as scary looking as their Italian brothers. My one is loyal and listens to every command.

The one day I was driving the car out the gate and told him to sit and stay. He was sitting in the middle of the garden when I left. On my return many hours later he hadn't moved and was still sitting there. I have learnt my lesson from that day as he is the first dog I have had that listens properly.

I still want a Cane Corso one day and maybe I will get my wish.

Image source pininterest.com

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