
It was June 19, 2015, exactly one month before my birthday I decided to adopt a dog.



Yes, I adopted a dog. Ever since I was a kid I'm fond of dogs. I grew up with dogs. As far as I could remember we have two dogs, Sadam which was an all-black Aspin (Asong Pinoy), and Whity (for obvious reason, she was white). I don't know exactly the reason why my father decided to let them go but at that time, I felt like because our family was growing.



When I was on my 6th Grade, I asked my mom to adopt 2 puppies from my friends. At first, she was hesitant to approve because she was afraid that we won't be able to take good care of them. I named them Winter and Ashley but after a few months, they passed away. We suspected that someone from our neighborhood poisoned them. It was heartbreaking for me, my first ever heartbreak. I could still remember the time I have to dig the soil in an empty lot before our house to bury them. With tears rolling down from my eyes to the soil. My family never got a dog after that.


When I first moved here to Cebu, I was by myself. Though my brother and sister moved here they didn't last as I do. But my solo living changed after I found this page on Facebook that offers Pet Adoption. I found Cebu City Pound on Facebook and they posted these photos of dogs that were up for adoption. I went through the photos and found this adorable-looking dog with brown fur and some black patches. He was like a darker tiger. The next day, I went to the pound and I found myself in a place filled with cages with dogs barking. I was looking for him but I wasn't to see him. I was told to wait for the vet because the person left behind was not sure where's the dog that I decided to adopt. When the vet arrived and showed her the photo she immediately instructed her assistant to get "Kim". Kim was the name of the dog but he was renamed Wacky. He was 7 months old when he was given up by the owner because they can no longer take care of them. After all, she was undergoing dialysis. The vet told me that Wacky is a bit timid because he was surrounded by bigger and louder dogs. It's mandatory to walk the dog with its new owner before finalizing all the paperwork. Wacky was injected with some vaccines before we left. I could still remember that it was a rainy afternoon and Mandaue has flooded already. We were able to get a ride but only until Parkmall. I was hungry and I bet Wacky was hungry too. That time I wasn't vegan yet so we opt to go to Dong Juan and I ordered the back ribs for the both of us to enjoy.



We finally got home. When we arrived, I can tell he was scared and confused but I made sure to make him feel at home. I was just renting a small room in Mandaue but a few months after that, we moved to Talisay, a much bigger place for him to roam around and I leave with my sister that time which was an added companion for him. He was one of the reasons why we decided to get a house in Talisay. My sister loves him so much. They probably spend more time together than I do since I work longer hours. He was spoiled with love and attention. He was like our little brother.

Sometimes he forgets how big he is and tries to fit anywhere.

Wacky had a very odd barking voice and people always poked fun of it but I explained to them that growing up, he wasn't able to find his voice or bark because he was intimidated by the big dogs with louder barks around him. He started barking when I adopted him and it was late all ready for him to learn how to bark. I enjoyed listening to his bark because it was unique and he looked really cute when he does.

This photo was taken when we moved to our house in Talisay with all our stuff behind him.
I wrapped him with long sleeves and look how disappointed he was.

Nanika came into our lives. I also adopted her from a friend. My sister named her. When she arrived, obviously Wacky was not happy about it. Dogs are naturally territorial so it was only normal for Wacky to be uncomfortable around Nanika. As time goes by, they got along. Wacky gave the ground floor to Nanika while he stay outside our rooms on the 2nd floor. Wacky was giving. Whenever we feed them together, he will Nanika eat first and let her eat some of his food. Once Nanika left the bowls, Wacky will start eating. He will finish what's left and won't even ask for more.

They like to hang out by the stairs. Wacky was always above Nanika.

He doesn't like being carried but I just can't help sometimes. He was so adorable.

They are sometimes game for pictures. Sometimes only.

His always curious what I eat.

Just like any other dog, Wacky also loved to walk by the park.

When the pandemic hit, I stayed at home with them. At that time, my sister left already and was living in Negros. I was stuck at home with my 2 furry friends. At first, they are confused about why I'm always home but later on they enjoyed my presence and they got used to it. I walked them one by one in the park after my daily jogging. I let them try the food I cook and cuddle them in my bed. They gave me a reason to get up in the morning and carry on with my life. Wacky knows me well. Whenever I'm down, he always insists to get into my room and sleep in. Just waking up and seeing him makes me feel better. Dogs have this special power that we humans feel better all of a sudden whenever we see them.



September came and I noticed Wacky was losing weight and sometimes, he have no appetite. I thought it was just a phase because there were times he acted that way. But as days went by, he didn't get better. I rushed him to the nearest vet clinic, ran several tests, and he was confined there for a couple of days. I was told by the vet that there was a complication in his liver and operating on him was risky and had no assurance of survival. He was on medication and we expected his condition to feel a little better. My sister and I decided to take Wacky back to the house and wait for his time but on the day when I was about to take him, on my way to the clinic the vet told me that he passed away. I was trying so much to hold back my tears while I'm still on the tricycle. When I arrived at the vet, Wacky was lifeless. I hold back my tears while I pet him for the last time. I decided to bring him back to the house to bury him. When I arrived at my house, Nanika was there waiting for us, but Wacky was in a box already. I can tell Nanika was sad while she was sniffing the box. I was in indescribable pain at that time. Burying Wacky and seeing Nanika sad about his passing.

This was the time his health started to deteriorate.

I let him sleep inside my room that time.

My sister was very sad after knowing Wacky passed away. I, myself was in so much grief that I didn't go out of the house and stayed in bed for a few days. I even asked my friend not to mention Wacky in any of our conversations because it was too painful for me to talk about it. Wacky was such a good boy. I miss him. I miss waking up in the morning and opening the door while he waits for me. I miss when he jumps with so much joy whenever I arrive from work. I miss when he gets excited whenever he sees me with a leash and ready to walk. He was my companion for more than 6 years and he will always have a special place in my heart.



Writing this is my way of honoring him and giving him space on this platform.

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