Alexis Franco, Petrophysicist specialized in modelling of siliciclastic & carbonates reservoir

Petrophysicist with 6 years experience in the oil&gas industry, with deep knowledge of Siliciclastic Reservoir, Experience in the interpretation of open and case hole logs, and production and RST logs. I have also worked with fractures and carbonate reservoirs

I have 6 years experience in core and log data integration, as well as full field petrophysical characterization, to input in static and dynamic.

I have worked performing complete petrofacies models, from existing core and log data, and also from conceptual and statistical data, when core data its not available.

I have been in charge of completing geological correlations both structural and sedimentological, as well as modelling geological surfaces for static models using the petrel software. as well as petrophysical software such as Interactive Petrophysics (Expert User), Techlog (intermediate user).

Highly skill in developing rocktyping models and also making and delivering technical presentations for peer review or third parties evaluators

I have a bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering and also a Msc in Exploration and Production of hydrocarbons, in a joint program with the "Centro Superior de Formacion Repsol" and "Herriot Watt University", in which I developed, the skills necessary for evaluation of well test, reservoir modelling and production technology.

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