Publish the Russia report Petition Country List for 5th March 2020 (13,828 Signatures)


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Publish the Russia report

Lift the restriction on publishing the report on Russia’s spying activities against the UK and its attempts to penetrate the British establishment. This will require the re-establishment of the Intelligence and Security Committee so that it can be immediately published.

The timing of the suppression of the Russia report in November 2019 was far too convenient for the present government which won an increased majority in the elections in Dec 2019. Questions were being asked about why, since it had already been cleared by the Prime Minister, had it not been published before the election. The continuing suppression of the report is doing nothing to raise the confidence of the British people in the integrity of the electoral process.

The Petition currently has 13,828 signatures. Previous: 12,977 signatures. Difference: 851 signatures.

The Petition is open to all UK Citizens even those who currently live and work outside the UK.

If you haven't signed the Petition then go to the petition page

Government will respond

Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures.

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.

1United Kingdom13,250810No Change
2France1909No Change
3Spain894No Change
4Germany488No Change
5Netherlands264No Change
6United States210No Change
7Ireland193No Change
8Italy160No Change
9Belgium152No Change
10Switzerland121No Change
11Sweden112No Change
12Australia102No Change
13Portugal91No Change
14Denmark70No Change
15Luxembourg71Up 2
16Gibraltar60Down 1
17Jersey60Down 1
18New Zealand60No Change
19Austria50No Change
20Canada50No Change
21Greece50No Change
22Cyprus40Up 2
23Hungary40Down 1
24Norway41Down 1
25Poland41Up 4
26Czechia30Down 1
27Japan30Down 1
28Malaysia30Down 1
29Malta30Down 1
30South Africa31Up 9
31Bahrain20Down 1
32Bulgaria20Down 1
33Finland20Down 1
34India20Down 1
35Isle of Man20Down 1
36Qatar20Down 1
37Saudi Arabia20Down 1
38Singapore20Down 1
39Slovakia20Down 1
40Thailand20No Change
41Bermuda10No Change
42Cambodia10No Change
43Chile10No Change
44Colombia10No Change
45Georgia10No Change
46Guadeloupe10No Change
47Jamaica10No Change
48North Macedonia10No Change
49Oman10New Entry
50Philippines10Down 1
51Romania10Down 1
52Russia10Down 1
53South Korea10Down 1

Release The Russia Re´port

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