A friend, A companion, A family member...


We found you since the year of 2008. Still remember that time when mummy first found you in one of the paper boxes. Fall deeply in love with you once you were introduce to the family. That time you were just as big as my fist. Time flies like crazy, already been 10 years from now. 1 year in human age will be equal to 7 years in dog's age, and you already a 70 years old senior.


To us, you are not just a pet but also a beloved family member. Thank you for bringing us all the laughter and those wonderful memories. We are really grateful to have you in our family. I will never forget every time when I came home, you will be the first one who come and bring me the warmest welcome. No matter how late I came back, you will always be there waiting for me with the tail-wags.


Due to tight schedule, most of my day time will be occupied by families and friends. Once the light is off, and when everybody went to sleep, that will be our little private time together. Just me and you sitting beside the gate, you come to me for attention, and I will always bring you your favorite snacks to compliment you being such a good boy. No matter how tired am I, I will keep my promise and make up some time for you.


Time flies, sickness and diseases will come after you once you getting old. Not just human but also apply to all the living beings. We tried our very best to keep you with us but unfortunately you need to go. Dear Lucky boy, thank you for being such a good friend, good companion and a loyal family member no.5. I can't tell you enough how much we love you, but I think you can feel it deep within your heart. We will always remember you. I hope you have a really good time with us. I will see you in the heavenly place.


R.I.P Lucky chua...

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