Lumbini Natural park

Lumbini Natural Park, Berastagi is a natural park complex within which there is a magnificent Buddhist temple. This Temple or Pagoda is a replica of the Shwedagon Pagoda in Burma (Myanmar). The golden yellow color makes this pagoda appear to stand firm and majestic among the shady trees. In addition to the pagoda building, the complex area of ​​+/- 3 hetar is also laid out a beautiful garden by following the steep natural contours that add charm and uniqueness. The replica of the Shwedagon Pagoda at Lumbini Natural Park, Berastagi, Karo Regency, North Sumatra is the second highest replica of a replica of the same kind that exists outside Burma and is the highest in Indonesia so as to achieve the highest MURI (Museum Rekor Indonesia) record in Indonesia and is the first record recorded in Indonesia. Not only that, this TAL also achieved MURI record in the category of Puja Bakti / Penkahan which was attended by the most Sangha Members at the inauguration of 30-31 October 2010 ago, where 1,250 members of the Sangha were present, consisting of 100 monks from Indonesia, 650 from Burma (Myanmar), 400 from Thailand, and from other countries (said from 20 countries of Bikkhu participated in Puja Bakti event).

Description on the nameplate on each tree in the TAL complex
Description on each tree
The construction of the TAL complex with a replica of this two-story pagoda is a contribution from various Buddhist groups from various countries with its main icon of gold stupa with 69 meters long and 46 meters high, 8 meters, as well as several other relics and statues both in the park and on the complex walls , including 108 holy relics, 2,598 Buddha images, 30 Arhat statues, and other objects. And, one thing is quite interesting where the plants in this complex are also given a signboard, which contains Latin name, Indonesia, and Local (Cawap Karo). So, the location is cool, beautiful, quiet, and very interesting. Worth your visit.

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