Pesach - The Lamb

The lamb struggles not as it is slain.

They had watched over and cared for him for days and days.

The children had pet him, fed him and fallen in love with him.

Now it is time for him to die at the hands of the priest.


This time of year is a picture of YHVH stepping in to bring freedom for the children of Israel.

A foreshadowing of the Mashiach and His willing death at the hands of the Scribes an Pharisees, well at their goading at least.

This day, some 200 decades ago, The Anointed One hangs on a stake dying. No work may be done tomorrow and the next day. The third, is Shabbat.

He had promised a sign. One sign only. He would be in the grave for three nights and three days.

This evening starts the first night. We are all old enough to understand plain Hebrew. In English, one, two, and three.

The resurrection

I will play the Adversary now.

I know that He will come with a great shout (teruah) and the trump of God. The dead will rise first, then all who are alive shall be caught up to meet Him in the clouds...

How can I stop this?
All will see it!
Tombs opening up all over the world.

I know! I will start an a world-wide infection that kills one one hundredth of the people that died in 1918, but this one will be broadcast and all shut-up in their houses.

They might hear the shout and feel the earth shake, but they will not see His people rising, changed in an instant.

A Prophesy Theory.

I always believed this would happen in the fall at Yom Teruah.

Then again, there must be a reason for the world being shut down.

A'sfaynu Adonai - gather us to yourself Master!

Chag Pesach Sameach

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