The Idea of Permanence

Every time I practice mindfulness I learn something new.
Thought I should share.

In this session, the word Mandala popped up, if you’re not familiar with the term, you’ve probably seen a few mandala tattoos around.

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The symbol itself is not the basis of this post but something deeper.

What piqued my interest was one of the stories behind it, of how Tibetan Monks would gather colourful​ sand grains, drop a grain at a time to create these beautiful geometrical symbols.

They would spend hours even days designing the symbols and once they are done, they would either sweep the sand away, sprinkle it in a stream or give the grains away. To them, this is a form of meditation.

What is the reason to what seems like a crazy feat to the simple mind?

Our views on life sometimes barriers the idea of permanence​, when we are having our lows, it is difficult​ to think of the moment of joy and happiness waiting around the corner.

We hold onto material things, relationships going nowhere, the comfort zone we don't want to move from because that is all we know - in order words, we fear change but forgetting that everything changes. That’s how it is designed.

Nothing is permanent.

Reflecting on their practice, those monks were training themselves detachment,​ all the time, focus, and energy dedicated to the symbols, only to be irrelevant​ after the task is done.

Hope we can all learn from them.

I release my grip, from illusions of permanence, and drift in the freedom, of the ever-changing winds - Chris Advansun

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