7 Reasons Why People Ignore You


Hey friends today we are going to discuss about 7 Reasons why people ignore you .
Every person want that people like him,make friendship with him.

Now discuss reasons lets get started,

No - 1
You are always negative;

When you meet with people and started negativity about yourself or others . Even there is lots of positivity and positivity is much more than negativity but you always focus on negativity
Suppose a person done a good work u never appreciate his work but find some bad thing

Because of that people judge you that you are negative person and keep self away from you.

No - 2
You lie;
During talking with people you lie .It does not matter how much you lie 100% or 5% lie. If you ever lie with people they will not trust you and begin to ignore you.

No - 3
You complain too much;
You always begin to complain people or yourself about health ,property,anything which you have less than other people .
When you started to complain too much ,people will get bored with you and then they will ignore you soon .

No - 4
Talking ill behind people back;
Some time people started to talk ill behind people back to second one about third person .when you do that thing at that time second person begin to think how bad he is and how thinking he has!

No - 5
Judging people;
People watch you every time how you judge people ,thinking of judging people will tell about your thinking and mentality
You never judge people ;

  1. short term meeting
  2. face

No - 6
Present self opinions as true words;
You present some thing that this is 100% true while this is wrong

No - 7
You don't do what you say ;
You say that people should not wast their time but you wast time means you don't follow you say that's why people will not listion you carefully

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