The Power Of Values In Personal Development

Values hold an important place in individuals and they also apply to any being, including businesses and all things. What we value determines our actions and course of actions.

Where you work with things you don't value, you will ultimately find that you face problems. Understanding ones values enables aligning your self with where you want to get to or want to experience in life. It also allows you to change so that you can improve and become a fully functioning being - because your World will start functioning correctly.

Let's take a simple example. If you value love at a high level and then want to get into a career, these could be contrary. Now imagine the job is in a totally different country and your lover does not want to go there.

Your value of love being higher would push the want of building a career into a back burner. You will stay with your lover or you will go and be miserable because your value is higher for love.

If your love was in the far flung place, you more likely would jump on a ship or airplane and go!

Undertstanding our values can change our lives for the better because we know where our selves are most inclined.

Some people bat on a dead horse, they are taking time on things that go contrary to what they want.

Understanding your values also change your values.

Recently a woman was speaking about the doctors gave her tablets to reduce sugar levels and I said why would you need that for? Just exercise! Your body is telling you to exercise. She started crying. It was a clear value issue.

You see, a long time ago I noticed my back teeth starting to fall apart and wondered what was the issue and the dentist never stated the obvious - you should be brushing your back teeth better!

Now that has nothing to do with values, but if you like this women don't value fitness, you could go the totally wrong way.

A simple shift to valuing exercise, fitness and health more would result in solving the problem. This shows how important values really are.

Knowing your values and making a shift allow changing your life for the better.

When you know your values, you can understand what actions will take you forward or will be like facing a brick wall, such as issues with health and being able to remedy it.

If you value love over career and success then this can cause you problems in your actions. When people fail it is largely a value issue because our values control our attitudes and behaviour.

You can work 24/7, 365 days on your goals and make zero progress - all because of the wrong values.

Values determine what you will move toward. If you value love, you probably out the door, on that airplane or ship, in your car going to see your lover.

If success was your value, then you would have left the lover and gone to that far flung place to do that job you love!

Values can create conflicts and this is why it is important to understand your values and understand them regularly.

They can change as they do and that is why a regular return to what you value is important.

If you want help to discover your values, send me a Direct Message on my slack at this link

Create a great day,

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