Loneliness ,how difficult is to ask yourself hard questions?

We have the bad tendency to sugarcoat our flaws as they make us feel lesser than others,it makes you wonder if its Ego the glue that keeps your mental walls up? whats the use for this when today society is pointing at you with a "spotlight"  since you are born, we are more self aware than ever and its easy to feel overwhelmed by the world around us, thist is why we build our mental barriers, to keeps our true self  "protected" from the world, the problem is that this tend to isolate Us from it and keep us from connecting with the wonder thats in it.

the first step toward personal growth is to Be humble with your process so you can acknowledge when there is and opportunity to Learn

 "Loneliness Does not come from having no one to express to, it comes from not being able to communicate the things that are important for yourself or holding to points of views that others find inadmissible"           -Carl Jung

 my loneliness didn't came from not having someone to talk to, my loneliness came from the frustration of not being able to Express myself to the ones i cared about ,

 how can you Connect with someone if you dont connect with yourself?

thats what got me in this path of learning and personal development and i want you to join me 

 “Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World and it will one day return there.”

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist 

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