virtues can't hurt you, January 9th


Friends can too. Some beliefs break you down, rather than build you up.

Objective: To create a personal social contract in order to adhere closely to habits in-line with my identity.

Why a social contract? For controlling, not curbing enthusiasm. I have a tendency to let zeal geat the better of me. I've heard horror stories, too. I haven't woken up in the hospital or wet myself in someone else's space, but my mistakes still embarass me. I am starkly aware I can do better- hence the desire to obligate myself- reward and punish properly.


Disclaimer: You might find me either kinky or outright kooky to "create a cnotract" "to adhere to my identity" but consider this. Haven't there been moments within your life where you did not behave as you wished? You didn't speak up or missed something simple because you weren't like yourself? It'd be too easy, almost a cop-out to chalk it up to simple ineptitude. A child is inept at walking at first, but tripping over your untied shoelaces is another matter altogether. Consider this a fancy way to lace up my kicks, or frame my pics.

It's as Elizabeth Caledonia says, there's nothing wrong with a lil' self-improvement. (Your peers may recognize Elizabeth "Calamity" as Ashe, her last name.)


What do you aspire to? Your friends?

I have a few texts I wanna prove to myself the veracity, or truth, of their language. My life isn't just my own. People I care for, people I love, the ones watchnig and learning from my example- I write this as a contract to them, too.

James Clear helped connect the dots in my mind. I could follow a part of another man's path as a guide to my Way. Miyamoto Musashi made another figure. Wallace D wattles wrote a science on getting rich. Many men made their Way into texts I could actually acquire- read and ponder their ideas without ever having met. Imagine. Then to ignore the opportunity was liek wasting food- buying a hot meal and throwing it in the trash. Imagine the sight of pouring out water in front of a traveler in the desert. Virtually offensive.

temperance defined.jpg

The Thirteen Virtues

  • Temperance
  • Silence
  • Order
  • Resolution
  • Frugality
  • Industry
  • Sincerity
  • Justice
  • Moderation
  • Cleanliness
  • Tranquility
  • Chastity
  • Humility

Taking from @rubencress' 30 day challenge, I feel these virtues could become a daily checklist certainly, but a monthly matter as well, by which to lead myself. I could already speak to my temperance eight days into the year; the swell of my stomach isn't a shortcoming but a sign I reward myself indulgently. Yet, I still waste food. I mismanage my few bucks and make very little on my own. I can't deny serving the people you care about is the greatest feeling. Giving my family and friends gifts this holiday season was a real, recent testament to that. Feeding them also aligns with the calling I have- to be a man, brother and father to my own one day. I could eat Wendy's all I want for life- but I would hope that I could offer others more.

Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

Post Summary

  • A social contract is a verbal or written agreement to follow habits you set out for yourself. Similar to an accountability partner, but of your own planning.
  • Ben Franklin kept himself accountable with 13 virtues, as he shared in his autobiography.
  • I wanna prove that the promises of these texts bear real fruit. Time will tell.
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