Letter to my persistent steemit troll, Katrina

RE: Your "response" to my article "Amerikkka gets its fuhrer" 

Um, understand something child. Though your sense of self-importance as at a very high-level, it is apparent you have a vested interest in following me around steem with vile and nasty posts so I am going to dedicate this post to you. So here I am casting pearls at swine.

You suffer from the illusion that people of color give a damn about what you think, how you think, what you say and how you say it. You attempts to insult me, my character and my academics are laughable. I would have to respect you to be insulted by you.  Your absence of enough intellect to see the parallels between America today and Nazi Germany would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that the gaping self-ignorance you celebrate and flaunt has doomed us all to at least four years of  an incompetent presidency at least, and a dangerously draconian and potentially genocidal one at worst.  You come back again and again like a 12 year old trying to win an class-room argument, but I am a grown man. I have been in classrooms K-12 and would place  your response to my post at about the 4-6th grade level.  It is via the ignorance of folks like you that we have elected the most unqualified person in history to the highest office in these puppet-controlled United States.  Someday your bubble is going to burst as surely as a Reich at Nuremberg. But you will not do it here anymore, not without a parent. 

I hope you enjoy your life as a hate-troll.  For my part will continue to beat the drum of this thesis: The Nazis did not lose WWII and have in fact been resurrected ideologically in the nation that gave them the most mutual admiration, our United States, founded on the stolen lands of Natives and their near complete genocide, and Africans forced into slavery: I bet your schoolbooks called them "imported workers."

I have already given more time to you than you deserve. So again, and hopefully for the last time, I say goodbye to you, may we never meet on the blockchain again.

On behalf of people of color everywhere tired of your shyt,

Rashard Alexander Zanders

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