Trying to figure it all out...

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and happy Memorial day to those brave men and women who have served. I'd like to start off with a little bit about myself, I am a twenty-four year old Star Wars fanatic born and raised in Chicago. I've been dealing with depression for over half my life and at the moment my father and older brother are trying to convince me of this site and the benefits of Cryptocurrency so I can mend the financial issues I've came to find myself in. It's not that I don't believe them, it's not that I can't read up about it myself. It's just that in these depressive episodes of my life it is hard to find any enthusiasm in any thing that I do and to show any interest in it all. I am not trying to make this some sort of diary but more of a sharing of ideas. Discuss what interests we all share and the common goal of just what it is to be human. I've always loved to write and I have always been an empathetic listener. I've came across all walks of life and I know there's more out there for me to meet and learn from as I can teach those as well. But know, if you too are dealing with depression, it is comforting to know you are not alone. Very few people, it seems, can relate to the ups and downs and it is a tormenting debacle we find ourselves in. So please, let us share.

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