The Reality of my Mortality

I woke up this morning with three people in my thoughts: my father, John, and my two aunts, MiCha and WonKyeong.
Cancer claimed all three of them before they reached the age of 60.

And then I thought: I'm 46 now. If my mortality is based on the average age at the time of death for the last three close relatives then I probably have 13 or 14 more years left.


Maybe that sounds morbid to some people but it's a reality check for me.
I'm certainly not trying to die before the age of 60, or turn into a self-fulfilling prophesy, but we don't have longevity in my family tree.

Why am I sharing this?
Because it is a reminder to my self to find joy in the work that I do; appreciation for the things that I have; love for my family.

Meredith Loughran, web designer, blogs on Steemit, creative writer

  • Say 'I love you' more often.
  • Mean what you say; say what you mean...
  • ...and speak kindly when you can. It is a choice.
  • Work your job; don't let it work you.
  • Get rid of the bad ju-ju in your life.
  • Take a moment to appreciate nature.
  • Find value in yourself and treasure it.
  • Build the legacy you wish to be remembered by.

Meredith Loughran, web designer, creative writer, and blogs on Steemit

Maybe - just maybe - if I take care of my health and the world around me the earth won't be in a rush for my ashes.

*images were created by Meredith Loughran in Canva

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