ENGLISH IDIOMS: keep one’s chin up

keep one’s chin up

سر خود را بالا نگه‌داشتن، اعتماد به نفس داشتن

(To have confidence; to remain cheerful and not to give up)

He is trying to keep his chin up and pursue his goals despite all obstacles.

او سعی می‌کند سرش را بالا نگه‌دارد و با وجود همه‌ی موانع اهدافش را دنبال کند.

مثال دیگر:

Keep your chin up and don’t give up!

اعتماد به نفس داشته باش و ناامید نشو!

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].

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