ENGLISH IDIOMS: up to one’s ears

up to one’s ears

تا خرخره

(Deeply involved.)

I am up to my ears in work right now. Please call again later.

من الآن تا خرخره غرق کار هستم. لطفاً بعداً دوباره زنگ بزن.

مثال دیگر:

Last year, he was up to his ears in debt. This job helped him pay his debts and start over.

پارسال تا خرخره غرق بدهی بود. این شغل به او کمک کرد قرض‌هایش را بدهد و از نو شروع کند.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].

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