Permaculture - Creating a Thriving Human Society in Just One Generation!


Creating a Thriving Human Society in Just One Generation!


"The Laws of #Nature are Sacred. Once Permaculture is understood, integrated and practiced there will be freedom and abundance for every living being on the planet. Rise in love with Nature."

Permaculture is a curriculum for the #Evolution of Humanity.

It is the missing ingredient necessary for a Thriving Human Ecology.

Given the unethical consequences of the contemporary system, there is a great necessity to get personally active and take our lives in a more positive direction.


  • Definition and Philosophy
  • Ambition
  • Crossing Disciplines
  • Ethics

For More Please Visit: #ANARKEDEN


Permaculture is a dynamic subject and its definition is constantly evolving.

The term 'Permaculture' is used most commonly in reference to:

  • Regenerative Agriculture
  • Edible Landscaping
  • Food Forestry

A Permaculture #FoodForest is a human initiated ecosystem - beautiful, fertile, productive and self-sustaining!


However, the true scope of Permaculture is much larger than food forestry!

The Goal is To Create A Permanent Human Culture.

In this sense, Permaculture is a decentralized, living movement.

Falling in between a science, design, art and philosophy, Permaculture represents a highly-integrated, ethically-grounded, ecologically-harmonious, technologically-advanced approach for evolving humanity so that everyone can thrive!


The philosophy of Permanent Culture is seated in developing a strong sense of:

‘Universal Ecology’ or ‘One-ness’

  • ‘Universal Ecology’ is about appreciating the inherent inter-connectivity between all living and non-living systems on Earth, and throughout the Universe and other Dimensions.

  • '#Oneness' is a view based on the aphorism that all actions have consequences, nothing exists in isolation and we are all unique aspects of the whole.

This holistic perspective is then grounded in Ethics and Principles consistent with the following philosophies:



To co-create for ourselves and all living things the most Ideal Human Habitat: Free, Abundant and Sustainable.



In order to achieve the full scope of the Permaculture Ambition, it becomes necessary to expand our limits beyond individual disciplines and incorporate a wide variety.

Rather than studying the different elements of reality in isolation, Permaculture takes an inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach, encompassing a vast array of different subjects and synthesizing information from numerous academic and spiritual disciplines.

Permaculture’s multi-faceted approach accounts for the inherent inter-connectivity that exists between all living and non-living systems - encouraging people from all walks of life to contribute their unique expertise in collaboration to achieve a common goal.


✓ Permaculture's inclusive attitude results in a unified body of knowledge, allowing us to redefine problems, and reach profound solutions based on greater understandings of complex situations.


Ethics are at the centre of Permanent Culture.


  • Unethical actions are those which harm of destroy life needlessly or unsustainably
  • Ethical actions are those that support life sustainably

Supporting life sustainably is the primary function of Permaculture.**


Permaculture arose as a direct response to the unsustainability of the contemporary paradigm.



✕ Anthropogenic Environmental Abuse threatening all natural systems and posing an immediate, existential threat to all life.


✕ High Dependency on non-renewable resources.


✕ Artificial Scarcity and market manipulation resulting in poverty, debt and greed.


✕ Innovative Technologies Suppressed and withheld by governments.


✕ Shamanic Medicines Prohibited.


✕ General Feeling of Dissatisfaction, stress and tension rising in humans along with an epidemic of mental and physical health problems.


✕ Humanity Threatened with coercive and violent tactics to comply with the current system.

Compliance with the current system is at this stage highly unethical!

There exists a great necessity to get active, and take humanity in a more positive direction.


✓ Take Responsibility for Our Lives, respect the past of our ancestors and the future we are leaving for the next generations

✓ Find Pathways to Extricate Ourselves from this system that perpetuates debt-slavery, warfare, environmental devastation and social discrimination - which are all unhealthy symptoms of societal dysfunction.

✓ Implement Grass-Roots Solutions to create a sustainable civilization that supports the growing population, providing for the needs of all life indefinitely



The Ethics of Permaculture are founded on Philosophical Reasoning and Scientific Evidence

  • Care for the Earth
  • Care for the People
  • Care for the Future

Care denotes where we focus our time, attention, energy and conscience.

These three Ethics share a commonality in that they are all Life-Affirming. They compel us to take responsibility for our actions and provide us with simple, guiding dynamics that we may align with to sustain life.

1. Earth Care

The Earth Care Ethic values and protects Planet Earth as the fundamental source of all the essentials to sustain life. Planet Earth functions as a living, breathing organism supporting many diverse life forms. Since our health is dependent upon the condition of our environment, it is in our best interest to maintain ecological harmony.

  • Extend Care and Respect to Natural Systems and our Environment
  • Recognize the intrinsic value and function of all living and non-living things
  • Take Responsibility for our Place in the Greater Ecology

2. People Care

The People Care Ethic directs our focus towards enhancing the health, well-being and quality of life for every human, moving us towards respect, integration, unity and love. The People Care Ethic makes Permaculture relevant for everyone, providing a context by which every individual can participate in this movement and take back personal control of the situation.

  • Find effective, healthy pathways to fulfil all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Needs of every human being without damaging the environment.

3. Future Care:

The Future Care Ethic shifts our focus to longevity, sustainability and posterity. This Ethic is about honoring our spiritual link with our ancestors and future generations.

  • Consider the impact of our actions on the future (7 Generation Stewardship)
  • Leave a great inheritance for posterity
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