Perimenopause - A few things that help me

Perimenopause A few things that help me.png

My body was already into early Perimenopause when my mom passed away. Within a couple of days of her passing my body dived full speed ahead into the process and it has played havoc on me every since.

That was in Sept of 2017 and I am still very much dealing with Perimenopause.

Some of the symptoms that have affected me are:
*Appetite changes or cravings
*Feeling tired (especially around three PM)
*Headache or backache
*Irregular or short/long menstrual cycles
*Joint or muscle pain
*Sore, tender or swollen breasts
*Tension or moodiness
*Trouble sleeping
*Trouble with concentration or memory
*Upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.
*Water retention
*Heavy periods with or without blood clots

I have been taking a herbal mix capsule called Estrotone to balance my hormones. I like taking it instead of what the Doctors offer, because it doesn't have any side effects. At least none that have affected me.

I also looked into vitamins and found a GMO free brand called Smarty Pants.

Prior to taking those, I was doing good to sleep 3-5 broken up hours per night. I also had more anxiety and a load of other symptoms that go with little to no sleep.

While my sleep is still interrupted due to having to pee a lot, I am sleeping 7-8 hours per night now. I feel much more rested than I did.

I was also having trouble with concentration and memory. While this still plagues me to a degree, it has also improved with my taking the herbs and vitamins.

I should mention that I did have to take them both for a couple of weeks before I seen improvement. I sure know if I run out of either for more than a couple of days.

My menstrual cycles have been a nightmare, to say the least. They have ranged from short to long and light to more heavy than I ever thought possible. At the heaviest, it is like water is pouring out of me. The first few times it happened, I seriously thought I had peed myself.

Sometimes I deal with a mix of this for two months at a time. At the heaviest points, I have to take an Iron supplement.

Again, I did not want to take what the Doctor was offering because of the side effects. What I found in natural remedies is that there are foods your body thinks are estrogen. It is easy to find lists of those foods online and choose which ones you like the best.

There are also foods that will stop your body from absorbing what you need. To find a list of those look up, "foods to avoid when you want to absorb estrogen".

What works for me personally, is avoiding flour and onions; while eating more peas & sunflower seeds, when my body is bleeding at it's heaviest. This usually slows the blood flow enough within 24 hours for me.

The best thing I have found to help with water retention is avoiding salt. It makes me sad because I love salt, but it does help.

I have finally reached the point that my body is missing up to three months of cycles at a time. Unfortunately, it seems to make up each missed with a extra long cycle when I do get one. All I can do is hope that I am near the end.

I hope this helps others who are dealing with Perimenopause. We really should talk about the subject more so it is not such a shock when extreme symptoms happen to us.

Feel free to share what has helped you below, if you like.

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

Photographs are owned by @debralee
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